Considering the discussion about how +1’s don’t mean much – I still feel that I 
need to +1 what Ted said in the below paragraph 😊

It seems to me that there is a belief that if you ignore objections long enough 
– and shout loud enough – the objections will some how disappear.

That if you promise things at a meeting – like the review of the amount of 
address space burn – and then do nothing – sooner or later – the issues will 

Guess what – that isn’t the case – and if people truly want to get something 
passed – instead of playing a war of attrition – which seems to be what is 
going on here – they will actually go and do the work and address the concerns.


What I objected to in Maojianwei’s comment is the notion that the document 
should pass last call to support the industry. No, the working group should do 
the work to address the objections that have been raised. If you find yourself 
explaining some concept that’s mentioned in the document using text that is not 
in the document and not in another document referenced by the document, the fix 
is not to just publish anyway, because it supports the industry. The fix is to 
update the document. A dozen or so +1s should not be taken seriously if the 
work has not been done and nobody wants to do it.

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