Hi Sander,

Without any comment on this particular instance, it is generally a good
idea to go through an appeal of a specific decision first. My experience is
that people do reconsider their actions in the light of appeals fairly
frequently, and it is generally better to explore the option of
reconsideration before anything else.  If there are still concerns after
that, you can always test the waters for further actions (such as a recall,
which is set out in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7437#section-7 and

Having made many of my own mistakes over the course of my time in the IETF,
I know I have appreciated the opportunity to get something right (or
explain more fully my reasoning.)  I understand that there are other
efforts at drafting a summary of issues in the general space, but a short,
focused appeal of the nature "I ask for a reconsideration of a declaration
of consensus, given the amount of time the most recent draft was available
before its declaration" might prove useful.

best regards,


On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 12:34 PM Sander Steffann <san...@steffann.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am shocked by the declaration of consensus on
> draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming by Martin Vigoureux. There was
> much discussion going on about one aspect of the draft, and there was
> clearly no consensus amongst the participants. There are still questions
> that haven't been answered about even the applicability of the contested
> text, let alone addressed. Promised about for example reporting back on the
> impact on RIR policies have never been fulfilled. And those are just the
> two bits that concern me most personally.
> Steamrolling a draft through a working group completely undermines the
> whole idea of the IETF and greatly damages it trustworthiness and
> reliability.  By bluntly declaring consensus despite all of the objections
> within two hours of the latest version of the draft being published I feel
> that Martin Vigoureux has lost the credibility as an AD. I strongly feel a
> resignation is in order at this point.
> Cheers,
> Sander
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