> On 2 Mar 2020, at 21:43, Sander Steffann <san...@steffann.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
>> I have no information about the situation but I do not understand why an AD 
>> would be declaring consensus in any case - 
>> that is normally the responsibility of WG chairs.  see RFC 2418 section 3.3 
> The only active/available WG chair was a co-author of this draft.
> Cheers,
> Sander

As a WGC that has been in a position where the chairs had a CoI, I(we) asked 
the WG Secretary to manage the document, and that is what other WGs do. Look at 
the DetNet data plane drafts as an example. That means that the decision is 
taken at the lowest level and leaves the AD continue in the oversight role.

Anyway from the discussion on the list this probably need to go for review by 
the other two RTG ADs to check that they are happy with the decision or to 
recommend some other action.

- Stewart

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