
I fully agree with Ketan.
For (a), it is obvious that if the next-hop and locator belong to the same 
prefix, we minimize the prefixes to be advertised, hence we’ll have smaller 
route tables. But it is up to the user to decide that. The spec should support 

Similar for (b). There may be multiple locators on the same router.


From: Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) <ket...@cisco.com>
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 9:06 AM
To: Rajesh M <mrajesh=40juniper....@dmarc.ietf.org>, gdawra.i...@gmail.com 
<gdawra.i...@gmail.com>, Clarence Filsfils (cfilsfil) <cfils...@cisco.com>, 
rob...@raszuk.net <rob...@raszuk.net>, bruno.decra...@orange.com 
<bruno.decra...@orange.com>, zhuangshun...@huawei.com 
<zhuangshun...@huawei.com>, Rabadan, Jorge (Nokia - US/Mountain View) 
Cc: spring@ietf.org <spring@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-bess-srv6-services-04
Hi Rajesh,

Please check inline below.

From: spring <spring-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Rajesh M
Sent: 27 August 2020 12:26
To: gdawra.i...@gmail.com; Clarence Filsfils (cfilsfil) <cfils...@cisco.com>; 
rob...@raszuk.net; bruno.decra...@orange.com; zhuangshun...@huawei.com; 
Cc: spring@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [spring] 

Sending it again.

Juniper Business Use Only
From: spring <spring-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org>> On 
Behalf Of Rajesh M
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 8:43 AM
To: gdawra.i...@gmail.com<mailto:gdawra.i...@gmail.com>; 
Cc: spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: [spring] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-bess-srv6-services-04

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

  BGP based L3 service over SRv6
When the egress PE sets the next-hop to a value that is not covered by the SRv6 
Locator from which the SRv6 Service SID is allocated,
then the ingress PE SHOULD perform reachability check for the SRv6 Service SID 
in addition to the BGP next-hop reachability procedures.

I think we should mention, few points for egress side
a) Recommended to set the bgp nexthop based upon locator.

[KT] I would think that it is difficult to normatively recommend such a thing 
in the spec. There would be implementation and deployment design aspects to be 

b) All the service SIDs across vrfs(DT4,DT6...) must be derived from the same 
locator (this is independent of setting bgp nexthop)
[KT] I am not sure such a restriction is required and in fact would be severely 
limiting in nature. Consider that some service may wish to leverage a FlexAlgo 
based on delay metric computation to get from the ingress to egress PE. In such 
cases, the egress PE can allocate the SRv6 SID for that service from its 
FlexAlgo specific locator.


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