Hi Fan,

When possible, we should try to implement for mpls and SRv6 data plane 
In fact, not adding FI/SN at the replication node is more important for SRv6 – 
it’d save you an extra IPv6 header.


From: Yangfan (IP Standard) <shirley.yang...@huawei.com>
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 1:01 PM
To: Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang <zzh...@juniper.net>; 'Rishabh Parekh' 
Cc: 'Arvind Venkateswaran (arvvenka)' <arvve...@cisco.com>; Gengxuesong (Geng 
Xuesong) <gengxues...@huawei.com>; 'spring@ietf.org' <spring@ietf.org>; 
'Rishabh Parekh (riparekh)' <ripar...@cisco.com>
Subject: 答复: [spring] 答复: Comments on draft-geng-spring-sr-redundancy-protection

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

Hi Jeff,

One single comment starts with Fan1>>.


发件人: Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang [mailto:zzh...@juniper.net]
发送时间: 2021年5月27日 3:37
收件人: Yangfan (IP Standard) 
<shirley.yang...@huawei.com<mailto:shirley.yang...@huawei.com>>; 'Rishabh 
Parekh' <risha...@gmail.com<mailto:risha...@gmail.com>>
抄送: 'Arvind Venkateswaran (arvvenka)' 
<arvve...@cisco.com<mailto:arvve...@cisco.com>>; Gengxuesong (Geng Xuesong) 
<gengxues...@huawei.com<mailto:gengxues...@huawei.com>>; 'spring@ietf.org' 
<spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>>; 'Rishabh Parekh (riparekh)' 
主题: RE: [spring] 答复: Comments on draft-geng-spring-sr-redundancy-protection

Hi Fan,

In this email I will focus on two points that I deferred earlier. I snipped 
unrelated text.

Fan 4>>: I re-thought the adding of FI/SN last week. Adding FI at the SR 
ingress node may also bring benefits. Ingress node usually identifies the 
service, for example L3VPN service, or L3VPN service with a specific DSCP 
value. Thus, for some services, it would be easier for ingress node to identify 
a flow needing redundancy protection. I don’t deny this possibility.  However, 
I believe FI can be added equally either at ingress node or at redundancy node.
With regards to SN, redundancy node is still the best choice. There is another 
thread in DetNet discussing about the sequence number state. 
People believe there is sequence number state maintenance in replication 
function, elimination function and reordering function. In this case, SN had 
better to be added at redundancy node.

Zzh6> I will not try to get away with keep deferring things. So far there are 
three things that I have deferred: 1. Why I think it’s better to do the SN at 
the ingress 2. The email thread you referred to above 3. This one. I will come 
back to them 😊

I don’t see how the email thread you referred to leads to that the redundancy 
node should add the SN.
Moreover, in the relevant draft-varga-detnet-pof there is the following 
figure(the red numbers after the R/E nodes are added by me to indicate 
different PRF/PEF nodes):

                +---------------E1---+    |            |
   +----+       |               |    +----R3--+        |          +----+
   |src |-------R1          +---+             |        E3----O----+ dst|
   +----+       |           |                 E2-------+          +----+
                +-----------R2                |

   R: replication point (PRF)
   E: elimination point (PEF)
   O: ordering function (POF)

Notice that POF node is after the last PEF, which means the flow itself must 
have its SN.
Also Notice that E1 is after staggered R1/R2 and E2 is after staggered R2/R3, 
which means E1/E2 must rely on the SN in the original flow, not on the SN added 
by R1/R2/R3.

Fan1>> I agree with you, in DetNet FI and SN are added and removed at the edge 
nodes. In terms of DetNet in MPLS, FI is identified by DetNet service label, 
and RFC8964 specifies DetNet S-label in many aspects.
Redundancy protection in SRv6 may go beyond the specification of S-Label in 
MPLS DetNet. Actually I was thinking we’d better include all possibilities in 
the draft, adding FI,SN either at the headend or redundancy node, just put an 
extra check point at redundancy node.



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