
I support the adoption of both documents.

Thanks for all the effort put in by everyone involved. Few minor comments -


In section 1

It is a goal of the design team to identify solutions to…
It is also a goal of the design team to consider proposals…
The design team will produce a separate document…

Should we still need to mention the design team in the introduction? If
some history needs to be maintained, let's put that in the appendix!


In Section 4.2.3

Description: The compression proposal MUST be able to represent SR paths
that contain up to 16 segments.
Rationale: Strict TE paths require SID list lengths proportional to the
diameter of the SR domain.

It would be nice to include why the number “16” in the rationale.


We should be explicit that the metric value is “yes” or “no”. This is
explicit for some metric (4.1. SRv6 Based) but not for other (4.2.2.
Heterogeneous SID lists).


The term “services per node” is not clear to me. Could you add some more
text for clarity?


What is the plan for Appendix A?


Expand on first use
- SRv6 (currently expanded later)


In Section 1

The design team will produce a separate document to analyze the proposals.

Add reference to draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-analysis


This document is a draft; additional requirements are under review,
additional requirements will be added, and current requirements may change.

Do we need this? We have the boilerplate for the I-D that highlights it is
a “work in progress”!


In Section 3.1.2

D.PRS(segment list): number of headers parsed during processing of the
segment list, starting from and including the IPv6 header.

“number of extension headers parsed…” and “…including the IPv6 base header”
- would be more appropriate phrasing right?


In Section 4.1

Suggest to change U.RFC8402 and U.RFC8754 to U.SR <http://u.sr/> (or
U.SRArch) and U.SRH respectively; this would match the descriptive names
for other metrics in this section.


In Section 5.1

State that the metric is “yes” when all the conditions are satisfied?



Section 3.1 Table 9 mentions updates that need to be made along with Yes.
The corresponding requirement does not talk about updates. Should it as you
mention it in the conclusion!


Some sections such as 3.4.1, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, provide no analysis just a
conclusion. In some of these, some analysis would be nice or perhaps a
clear reference with section number to other documents.


Should section 6 also include the final conclusion after going through each
of the requirements?



Expand on first use
- SRv6 (currently expanded later)


In Figure 1, you have [M1_0],[C_0], & [M2_0] but the text says 1 is the
starting number -

   o  M1_1..M1_i are routers in Metro 1
   o  C_1..C_j are routers in Core
   o  M2_1..M2_k are routers in Metro 2



On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 6:43 PM <bruno.decra...@orange.com> wrote:

> Dear WG,
> The Design Team has produced two documents:
> - A requirement document: draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-requirement
> - A solution analysis document: draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-analysis
> Both have been presented to the WG and triggered some discussions but are
> still individual documents.
> We believe it's now time for the WG to consider taking ownership of those
> two documents.
> Note that, especially for those two documents, WG adoption does not
> necessarily mean RFC publication in particular if it turns out that the
> benefit of long term archive would not justify the WG and IESG effort to
> finalize those two documents.
> This message starts a 2 week WG adoption call, ending September  20th
> 2021, for:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-requirement
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-analysis
> After review of the document(s) please indicate support (or not) for WG
> adoption of the document(s) to the mailing list.
> Please also provide comments/reasons for your support (or lack thereof) as
> this is a stronger way to indicate your (non) support as this is not a vote.
> If you are willing to work on the document(s), please state this
> explicitly. This gives the chairs an indication of the energy level of
> people in the working group willing to work on the document.
> Thanks!
> Jim, Bruno & Joel
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