This would be a cross connection of the potable water system with wastewater. 
At minimum you would need a 1" air gap.
Chris Dorn
From: Brian Harris <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 8:53 AM
Subject: [Sprinklerforum] Roof Drain / Sprinkler Drain

We have a project with standpipes and a basement. All floors above the basement 
drain through the Standpipe drain and empty at grade. We usually then drain the 
remaining (basement) section of standpipe through the bottom hose valve. The GC 
is asking if we can instead drain that last section by tying into the roof 
drain in the same stairwell that runs outside below grade. Is this a no-no?

Brian Harris, CET
BVS Systems Inc.<>
Phone: 704.896.9989
Fax: 704.896.1935

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