Hi there -

not able to reproduce.

Using the following migration script:


Revision ID: 71b85e1758dc
Create Date: 2017-03-25 22:22:35.731821

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '71b85e1758dc'
down_revision = None
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None

from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ENUM

def upgrade():

    connector_types = op.create_table('ConnectorTypes',
    sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
    sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
sa.Column('type', ENUM(u'MODBUS', u'BACNET', u'SNTP', u'SYSLOG', u'IPTV', name='connector_type'), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),
    # insert connector types
    op.bulk_insert(connector_types, [
        {'description': '', 'type': 'MODBUS'},
        {'description': '', 'type': 'BACNET'},
        {'description': '', 'type': 'SNTP'},
        {'description': '', 'type': 'SYSLOG'},
        {'description': '', 'type': 'IPTV'},

def downgrade():

run it, log into Postgresql:

test=# select * from "ConnectorTypes";
 id | description |  type
  1 |             | MODBUS
  2 |             | BACNET
  3 |             | SNTP
  4 |             | SYSLOG
  5 |             | IPTV
(5 rows)

I would advise setting the debug level for "sqlalchemy.engine" in your alembic.ini to INFO or DEBUG and watch the SQL emitted. It should look like:

INSERT INTO "ConnectorTypes" (description, type) VALUES (%(description)s, %(type)s) INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine] ({'type': u'MODBUS', 'description': ''}, {'type': u'BACNET', 'description': ''}, {'type': u'SNTP', 'description': ''}, {'type': u'SYSLOG', 'description': ''}, {'type': u'IPTV', 'description': ''})

Note that since your table name is "ConnectorTypes", containing at least one upper case character, this a case sensitive name. If you have another table called "connectortypes", that's a *different* table. Make sure that's not creating confusion.

On 03/25/2017 09:37 AM, Nikola Radovanovic wrote:
I need help; google search and trial-and-error did not do me any good also.

I cant figure out how to populate DB table with ENUM values during
migration using bulk_insert. to be more precise, NULL values are
inserted instead of proper strings. I can insert using plain SQL from DB
UI tools (DBeaver), tried same SQL in alembic script - still not working.

Maybe this what I currently have is not the best approach, so feel free
to point me into right direction. DB is Postgres and here is the
relevant code

# model
class ConnectorType(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ConnectorTypes'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    description = Column(String(255))
    type = Column(ENUM('MODBUS', 'BACNET', 'SNTP', 'SYSLOG', 'IPTV',

# alembic
connector_types = op.create_table('ConnectorTypes',
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
sa.Column('type', ENUM(u'MODBUS', u'BACNET', u'SNTP', u'SYSLOG',
u'IPTV', name='connector_type'), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),
# insert connector types
op.bulk_insert(connector_types, [
    {'description': '', 'type': 'MODBUS'},
    {'description': '', 'type': 'BACNET'},
    {'description': '', 'type': 'SNTP'},
    {'description': '', 'type': 'SYSLOG'},
    {'description': '', 'type': 'IPTV'},


Thank you in advance.

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