I tried now and it worked - very strange since I was debugging at Saturday 
more than 5 hours and kept displaying NULL. Thank you very much for your 

Best regards

On Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 12:37:21 PM UTC+2, Nikola Radovanovic wrote:
> Hi, thank you for quick response - I will try again. Maybe my UI tool was 
> giving me bad output since I did not see any error while inserting and 
> while debugging I saw statement similar to yours. Will report back.
> best regards
> On Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 2:37:29 PM UTC+1, Nikola Radovanovic wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need help; google search and trial-and-error did not do me any good 
>> also.
>> I cant figure out how to populate DB table with ENUM values during 
>> migration using bulk_insert. to be more precise, NULL values are inserted 
>> instead of proper strings. I can insert using plain SQL from DB UI tools 
>> (DBeaver), tried same SQL in alembic script - still not working. 
>> Maybe this what I currently have is not the best approach, so feel free 
>> to point me into right direction. DB is Postgres and here is the relevant 
>> code
>> # model
>> class ConnectorType(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'ConnectorTypes'
>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>     description = Column(String(255))
>>     type = Column(ENUM('MODBUS', 'BACNET', 'SNTP', 'SYSLOG', 'IPTV', 
>> name='connector_type'))
>> # alembic
>> connector_types = op.create_table('ConnectorTypes',
>> sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
>> sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
>> sa.Column('type', ENUM(u'MODBUS', u'BACNET', u'SNTP', u'SYSLOG', u'IPTV', 
>> name='connector_type'), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),
>> sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
>> )
>> # insert connector types
>> op.bulk_insert(connector_types, [
>>     {'description': '', 'type': 'MODBUS'},
>>     {'description': '', 'type': 'BACNET'},
>>     {'description': '', 'type': 'SNTP'},
>>     {'description': '', 'type': 'SYSLOG'},
>>     {'description': '', 'type': 'IPTV'},
>> ])
>> Thank you in advance.

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