On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 9:31:29 AM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2013, at 11:49 PM, Samer Atiani <sat...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> All my tables have create_date and update_date columns in them, and I like 
> to keep these columns as the last two columns in any table for convention 
> reasons. However, when you use alembic autogenerate to generate schema 
> migrations to add columns, the columns are always added to the end of the 
> table. With time, the create_date and update_date columns in my tables will 
> end up being in the middle of the column list in my MySQL database.
> So I was trying to alter this behavior by making alembic use MySQL's 
> "ALTER TABLE x ADD COLUMN y AFTER z" feature to always try to add columns 
> before create_date or update_date. The only way I could find out how is to 
> override the visit_add_column method after EnvironmentContext 
> configuration. I achieved this by changing the "run_migrations_online()" 
> method in alembic/env.py so that it looks like:
> However, this feels quite brittle and is probably touching internal stuff 
> that it shouldn't touch. My question to you is: is there a better way to 
> achieve this? I looked at SQLAlchemy Core Events, but I couldn't find an 
> event that could correspond to adding columns, nor is the alembic code 
> firing any events I could see when it add columns (unlike, for example, 
> when it emits a CREATE TABLE statements).
> AddColumn is a SQL expression element so the standard way we want to 
> override those is to use @compiles (
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/core/compiler.html#changing-the-default-compilation-of-existing-constructs).
>   As you might have noticed, Alembic is already using that system 
> internally in order to provide compile rules for constructs.   So we want 
> to override that, however the roadblock is that the @compiles system 
> currently doesn't have a nice way of letting us override the @compiles of 
> an existing @compiles (should be added as a feature).  So there's a slight 
> bit of internals we need to get at Alembic's already present @compiles rule 
> for now, but the rest is straightforward:
> from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
> from alembic.ddl.base import AddColumn
> # ideally, the @compiles system would have some way of getting
> # us the "existing" @compiles decorator, so this part is the
> # hack
> specs = AddColumn.__dict__.get('_compiler_dispatcher').specs
> existing_dispatch = specs.get('mysql', specs['default'])
> @compiles(AddColumn, "mysql")
> def add_column(element, compiler, **kw):
>     text = existing_dispatch(element, compiler, **kw)
>     if "after" in element.column.info:
>         text += " AFTER %s" % element.column.info['after']
>     return text
> from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer
> from alembic.migration import MigrationContext
> from alembic.operations import Operations
> ctx = MigrationContext.configure(dialect_name="mysql", opts={"as_sql": 
> True})
> op = Operations(ctx)
> op.add_column("t", Column('y', Integer))
> op.add_column("t", Column('x', Integer, info={"after": "y"}))

I'm interested in applying a similar solution to handle alter columns. 

The problem I'm seeing is that  MySQLImpl.alter_column() does not pass *kw 
to MySQLChangeColumn or  MySQLModifyColumn. So there doesn't seem to be a 
simple way that I can write a @compiles(MySQLChangeColumn, 'mysql') 
decorated function, and the interface would have to be something like 
element.info  instead of element.column.info too.   Also, can you explain 
why I have to use MySQLChangeColumn/MySQLModifyColumn instead of AlterColumn 
in the @compiles decorator?

Would it be possible to get support for this into alembic proper?  I can 
get it to work, but I have to monkey patch MySQLImpl.

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