>From issue here, closed as usage question:


Original question:

Is there a solution for autogenerating in a single pass MSSQL tables with a 
primary key which isn't the clustered index, and a clustered index on a 
different column.

Just defining a second clustered index column creates an exception because 
MSSQL is automatically setting the primary key to be the clustered index, 
setting index=False on that column definition doesn't help.

If you manually run two revisions, one without the pks and then add the pks 
in later everything is fine but I can't see a way to configure the 
autogeneration to push constraint definitions to later statements, which 
would work, or force MSSQL not to create the clustered index on the PK.

Original Response:

if you can show me the DDL you want to emit I can help get you there. 

this is a usage question so far so let's pick it up on 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sqlalchemy-alembic. thanks!

This is an example of the DDL that  think someone would need to do this

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test_temp_table](
>     [test_temp_table_clustered_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
>     [test_temp_table_id] [int] NOT NULL,
>     [test_temp_column] [nvarchar](100) NULL
> CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [arbitrary_name] ON [dbo].[test_temp_table]
> (
>     [test_temp_table_clustered_id] ASC
> )
> ALTER TABLE test_temp_table 
> ADD CONSTRAINT pk_test_temp_table 
> PRIMARY KEY (test_temp_table_id)

The point is that instead of the primary key being declared inline in the 
table definition, it needs to be added after the clustered index is created 
because otherwise MSSQL will automatically add a clustered index on the pk 

Looking at the documentation, I'd think this might be possible through 


But when I try and use this to split out the table generation and primary 
key addition, I need to add to the UpgrtadeOps.ops list:

if I do this, the generation fails later at 
with a NotImplemented written there.

I don't really understand how this project fits together so I'm not sure 
whether that is really something that's not implemented or just a crossed 
wire, or how to hack it either way.

Best Regards,


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