Thanks for figuring this out.

On Monday, February 17, 2020 at 3:05:30 PM UTC-5, Mike Bayer wrote:
> Here is your SQL output, enum is created correctly:
> CREATE TYPE test_schema.enum1 AS ENUM ('One', 'Two')
> however table does not refer to the correct enum:
> CREATE TABLE test_schema.table1 (
> type1 enum1,
> )
> this is SQLAlchemy bug 
> will be fixed in 
> 1.3.14
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020, at 2:51 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:
> mm nope we have plenty of tests for this here:
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020, at 2:49 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:
> it's possible also that PG Enum CREATE TYPE doesn't work with 
> schema_translate_map, would need to evaluate that on the SQLAlchemy side.
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020, at 2:45 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:
> schema_translate_map is not yet supported with all Alembic ops:
> you will need to fill in the "schema" parameter explicitly when you call 
> upon op.create_table()
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020, at 12:47 PM, Brian Hill wrote:
> I'm having trouble using enums in conjunction with schema_translate_map 
> for postgres migrations.
> My model, single table, single enum.
> import enum
> from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Enum, Column, Integer
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> metadata = MetaData()
> Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)
> class Enum1(enum.Enum):
>     One = 1
>     Two = 2
> class Table1(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'table1'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     type1 = Column(Enum(Enum1))
> Version file.
> """initial revision
> Revision ID: 844dd0269c1b
> Revises: 
> Create Date: 2020-02-17 12:23:31.125308
> """
> from alembic import op
> import sqlalchemy as sa
> # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
> revision = '844dd0269c1b'
> down_revision = None
> branch_labels = None
> depends_on = None
> def upgrade():
>     # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
>     op.create_table('table1',
>     sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
>     sa.Column('type1', sa.Enum('One', 'Two', name='enum1'), nullable=True
> ),
>     sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
>     )
>     # ### end Alembic commands ###
> def downgrade():
>     # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
>     op.drop_table('table1')
>     # ### end Alembic commands ###
> Run migration funtion from (creating foo schema):
> def run_migrations_online():
>     connectable = engine_from_config(
>         config.get_section(config.config_ini_section),
>         prefix="sqlalchemy.",
>         poolclass=pool.NullPool,
>     )
>     with connectable.connect() as connection:
>         # use different schema
>         connection.execute(f'create schema if not exists foo')
>         connection = connection.execution_options(
>             schema_translate_map={None: 'foo'}
>         )
>         context.configure(
>             connection=connection,
>             target_metadata=target_metadata,
>             include_schema=True,
>         )
>         with context.begin_transaction():
>             context.run_migrations()
> I get the following error when i run *alembic upgrade head*:
> sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedObject) type 
> "enum1" does not exist
> LINE 4:  type1 enum1, 
>                ^
> [SQL: 
> CREATE TABLE foo.table1 (
>         id SERIAL NOT NULL, 
>         type1 enum1, 
>         PRIMARY KEY (id)
> )
> ]
> (Background on this error at:
> It works when I comment out schema_translate_map.
> I feel like I'm missing something fundamental about using 
> schema_translate_map for multi-tenant/schema.
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