On Wed, 2020-02-26 at 11:07 -0500, Mike Bayer wrote:
oh, that issue is talking about rowcount.  Alembic does not need rowcount to 
function correctly.    I see that Alembic is doing this now, however there is a 
dialect-level flag called "supports_sane_rowcount", if this were False, Alembic 
should be checking this and skipping that particular check.

I see. it would be great if Alembic will respect the "support_sane_rowcount" 
specified in a SQLAlchemy dialect when updating/deleting revision. If this is a 
suggested design, I can patch it via a PR.

According to specific dialect, it just need to use this option instead of 
returning "-1". I can document this in the issue 

is the "rowcount" check the only issue here?   this part can be changed on the 
Alembic side.

Besides the above issue, I want to get input on 
https://github.com/dropbox/PyHive/issues/314 as well. How could I use 
SQLAlchemy API to create table like what this sql does:

CREATE TABLE hello_acid (key int, value int)
STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');

I've no idea how to make `STORED AS and TBLPROPERTIES` part for a Hive table. 
Now I just use SQLAlchemy compiler to append them for CreateTable.

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