OK, I've got the logging working.  The INFO level gives much more than
just the actual queries run against the db, but the bigger problem is
that the queries aren't given in valid SQL.

Example from the log:

UPDATE students SET custom_200000004=%(custom_200000004)s WHERE
students.student_id = %(students_student_id)s {'custom_200000004':
"'17-JAN-85'", 'students_student_id': Decimal("514")}

Is there any quick way to get it to output valid SQL?  I'm using
postgres, so I'm now looking at the possiblity it logging the queries
it receives instead.


On 1/5/07, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i havent gotten around to adding docs for logging to the main
> docs...but its using Python's logging module now.  turn off all the
> "echo=True" flags and go straight to logging:
> import logging
> logging.basicConfig()  # see python's logging docs for options
> logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine').setLevel(logging.INFO)
> the INFO level on 'sqlalchemy.engine' will give you all the queries,
> the DEBUG level the queries as well as the result sets.  using
> "logging" you can format the log messages any way you want and pass
> your own buffers in...just read the docs at
> http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.2/lib/module-logging.html .
> > >

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