On Jan 29, 1:49 am, Julien Cigar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Bayer wrote:
> > On Jan 24, 1:50 am, "chris e" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I am planning on using sqlalchemy to build the api for a database I am
> >> developing, and I was wondering if there is any type of column
> >> verification that occurs before database commit.
> >> I.E.:  a string column with length 40 would throw a verification
> >> exception if a value longer that 40 characters was placed into it and
> >> saved.
> > your database will throw an error.  why reinvent the wheel ?
> >> Additionally has anyone thought of implementing some sort of
> >> verification support for objects that are mapped which would allow the
> >> object to perform pre database action logic?  The intent being that the
> >> instance would check to see that the object meets additional business
> >> logic requirements before it is inserted or updated.
> >> I.E.: a User business object would verify that the userid was part of
> >> the [a-z] [A-Z]and [0-9] character classes, and if not an exception
> >> would be raised to prevent the database action.
> > thats exactly the kind of thing you should write into your
> > application.  has nothing to do with an ORM.  for generic validation
> > widgets to help, check out formencode (http://formencode.org/).(Just to 
> > share a method which woks well for me :)
> What I usually to perform validation is to create a property()
> (_set_attribute(), _get_attribute()) for each mapped column, then I use
> the column_prefix="_" attribute in SQLAlchemy.
> After that I have a function which iterate on the columns
> (YourMappedObject.c.keys()) and use a try / except with a setattr (it's
> a bit more sophisticated than that in fact), for example :
> assign_mapper(session_context, Language, table_languages, column_prefix='_')
> class Language(object):
>   def _set_iso_code(self, value):
>     try:
>       value = ''.join(value.split()).lower()
>     except AttributeError:
>       raise Invalid('iso code must be a string')
>     if len(value) == 2:
>       self._iso_code = value
>     else:
>       raise Invalid('Invalid iso code')
>   def _get_iso_code(self):
>     return self._iso_code
>   iso_code = property(_get_iso_code, _set_iso_code)
> (...)
> then I do something like (not complete):
> def populate(MappedObject, values):
>   errors = []
>   for c in MappedObject.c.keys():
>     value = values.get(c, Undefined())
>     if value is not Undefined:
>       try:
>         setattr(MappedObject, c , value)
>       except Invalid, e:
>         errors.append(str(e))
>   return errors
> also, I have in my models a __before_save__ / __before_update__ which
> check additional things like NOT NULL constraints (!None), ...
> --
> Julien Cigar
> Belgian Biodiversity Platformhttp://www.biodiversity.be
> Université Libre de Bruxelles
> Campus de la Plaine CP 257
> Bâtiment NO, Bureau 4 N4 115C (Niveau 4)
> Boulevard du Triomphe, entrée ULB 2
> B-1050 Bruxelles

Thanks for the info. After I did a bit more reading I realised that I 
would have to build a custom mapper, I will definitely take your 
suggestions into account when I write it.

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