The problem is most likely in the table definition which defines the
"dataset" column as a Unicode type. A recent patch for adodb makes that an
NVARCHAR field, vs. a simple VARCHAR for pymssql. Try defining the table
with varchar or char datatype.

On 2/14/07, Arnar Birgisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have the following query in SA. It works using pymssql on Linux.
> criteria = and_(
>         tables.salestable.c.dataset==self.xaldataset,
>         tables.salestable.c.dataset==tables.projtable.c.dataset,
>         tables.salestable.c.proj==tables.projtable.c.proj,
>         tables.salestable.c.projclosed==0,
>         #tables.salestable.c.salesoffersent!=2,
>         #tables.salestable.c.salesofferinvoice!=2,
>         tables.salestable.c.projeststatus!=4,
>         tables.salestable.c.projeststatus!=6,
>         #tables.salestable.c.projeststatus!=7,
>         *critlist
> )
> query = select([
>             tables.salestable.c.dataset,
>             tables.salestable.c.salesnumber,
>             tables.salestable.c.salesname,
>             tables.salestable.c.ordertaker,
>             tables.salestable.c.deliverydate,
>             tables.salestable.c.projname,
>             tables.salestable.c.createdate,
>             tables.salestable.c.rownumber,
>             tables.projtable.c.proj,
>             tables.projtable.c.opmprojno,
>             tables.projtable.c.framstjori
>         ], criteria)
> Here, self.xaldataset is "ODD" and critlist is [].
> When run on windows with adodbapi - this is the echoed query:
> 2007-02-14 11:55:28,030 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 INFO
> SELECT TOP 25 subq.dataset, subq.salesnumber, subq.salesname,
> subq.ordertaker, subq.deliverydate, subq.projname, subq.createdate,
> subq.rownumber, subq.proj, subq.opmprojno, subq.framstjori
> FROM (SELECT salestable.dataset AS dataset, salestable.salesnumber AS
> salesnumber, salestable.salesname AS salesname, salestable.ordertaker
> AS ordertaker, salestable.deliverydate AS deliverydate,
> salestable.projname AS projname, salestable.
> createdate AS createdate, salestable.rownumber AS rownumber,
> projtable.proj AS proj, projtable.opmprojno AS opmprojno,
> projtable.framstjori AS framstjori
> FROM salestable, projtable
> WHERE salestable.dataset = ? AND salestable.dataset =
> projtable.dataset AND salestable.proj = projtable.proj AND
> salestable.projclosed = ? AND salestable.projeststatus != ? AND
> salestable.projeststatus != ?) AS subq ORDER BY deliverydate
> 2007-02-14 11:55:28,030 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 INFO
> ['ODD', 0, 4, 6]
> Note the first parameter being 'ODD'.
> Now, the query wasn't returning the expected results so I looked at
> the query that was being sent in sql profiler:
> exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP 25 subq.dataset, subq.salesnumber,
> subq.salesname, subq.ordertaker, subq.deliverydate, subq.projname,
> subq.createdate, subq.rownumber,
> subq.proj, subq.opmprojno, subq.framstjori
> FROM (SELECT salestable.dataset AS dataset, salestable.salesnumber AS
> salesnumber, salestable.salesname AS salesname, salestable.ordertaker
> AS ordertaker,
> salestable.deliverydate AS deliverydate, salestable.projname AS
> projname, salestable.createdate AS createdate, salestable.rownumber AS
> rownumber, projtable.proj AS proj,
> projtable.opmprojno AS opmprojno, projtable.framstjori AS framstjori
> FROM salestable, projtable
> WHERE salestable.dataset = @P1 AND salestable.dataset =
> projtable.dataset AND salestable.proj = projtable.proj AND
> salestable.projclosed = @P2 AND salestable.projeststatus
> != @P3 AND salestable.projeststatus != @P4) AS subq ORDER BY
> deliverydate',N'@P1 nvarchar(1),@P2 int,@P3 int,@P4 int',N'O',0,4,6
> Here you can see that the first parameter is givent the type
> nvarchar(1) and the value N'O'. I assume this is b/c somewhere the
> parameter is handled as a list - and being a string messes things up.
> Maybe because I'm using unicode strings?
> Could this be a SA bug or should I rather look into adodbapi?
> Arnar
> >

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