nevermind, im pretty sure ive identified the condition youre having  
and added a check/fix/unittest in rev 2428.  if rev 2428 still doesnt  
work, then please forward along a full test case.

On Mar 18, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Steve Zatz wrote:

> I hadn't updated in several weeks so I am not sure when this issue
> first arose but with the following setup:
> ----------------------------
> mapper(Section, section_table, properties = {'items': relation(Item,
> backref='section'), 'keywords':relation(Keyword,
> primaryjoin=and_ 
> (keyword_table.c.uuid==itemkeyword_table.c.keyword_uuid,
> item_table.c.uuid==itemkeyword_table.c.item_uuid,
> viewonly=True, foreignkey=keyword_table.c.uuid)})
> mapper(Item, item_table, properties = dict(itemkeywords =
> relation(ItemKeyword, lazy=False, backref='item'),
> reminder = relation(Reminder, backref='item'),
> children = relation(Item, remote_side=[item_table.c.parent_uuid],
> backref=backref('parent', remote_side=[item_table.c.uuid])),
> note = deferred(item_table.c.note),
> ))
> mapper(Keyword, keyword_table)
> mapper(ItemKeyword, itemkeyword_table, properties={'keyword':
> relation(Keyword, lazy=False, backref='itemkeywords')})
> ----------------------------------
> when I ask for:
> some_section.keywords
> I get the following exception:
> sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError: No column
> item_keyword.keyword_uuid is configured on mapper
> Mapper|Section|section...
> Prior to updating today, this worked fine and produced the expected
> results.  Let me know if it would help to see the tables and classes.
> >

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