it would appear the query to read back constraint information is:

              LOWER(loc.column_name) AS local_column,
              LOWER(rem.table_name) AS remote_table,
              LOWER(rem.column_name) AS remote_column,
              LOWER(rem.owner) AS remote_owner
            FROM all_constraints%(dblink)s ac,
              all_cons_columns%(dblink)s loc,
              all_cons_columns%(dblink)s rem
            WHERE ac.table_name = :table_name
            AND ac.constraint_type IN ('R','P')
            AND ac.owner = :owner
            AND ac.owner = loc.owner
            AND ac.constraint_name = loc.constraint_name
            AND ac.r_owner = rem.owner(+)
            AND ac.r_constraint_name = rem.constraint_name(+)
            -- order multiple primary keys correctly
            ORDER BY ac.constraint_name, loc.position, rem.position

so...theres your lower case.

On Mar 20, 2007, at 4:38 PM, vkuznet wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a dump question about naming conventions for foreign keys.
> Using ORACLE as back-end all table names are in capital letters. So
> Table object looks like:
> Table('BRANCH',DynamicMetaData(),Column('id',OracleInteger 
> (),primary_key=True,nullable=False),
> Column('name',OracleString(length=500),nullable=False),
> Column('lastmodifiedby',OracleInteger(),
> ForeignKey('')),
> Column('lastmodificationdate',OracleTimestamp(timezone=False),
> default=PassiveDefault(<sqlalchemy.sql._TextClause object at
> 0xb6b142ac>)),
> Column('creationdate',OracleTimestamp(timezone=False),
> default=PassiveDefault(<sqlalchemy.sql._TextClause object at
> 0xb6b1430c>)),
> Column('createdby',OracleInteger(),ForeignKey 
> ('')),schema=None)
> The question is why Foreign key is in lower case, since the table
> "person" name is actually in capital
> Table('PERSON',DynamicMetaData()....)
> Thanks,
> Valentin.
> >

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