this feature is not supported right now for most DB's except mysql  
but is being addressed in a current ongoing ticket and will be  
available in the next release.

however, its possible that some DBAPIs do not raise the error in a  
manner which can ever be consistently caught; for example we've had  
problems getting this feature to work with Psycopg2 since the  
exception is thrown at unpredictable times (i.e. not within execute()  
or cursor() call;  instead, in the middle of parsing a string or  
something which has nothing to do with a psycopg2 operation...we're  
not sure if this is some artifact of native python extensions or what).

On Apr 2, 2007, at 1:07 PM, Greg Copeland wrote:

> I'm using sqlalcehmy 2.5 with cx_Oracle 4.2.1.  What is the proper way
> to detect an sqlalchemy operation has lost its database connection and
> reconnection/retry?  The manual doesn't seem to say much about the
> topic.  When connection loss occurs, does SA throw the native dbapi
> exception?  If not, what exception will user code see?
> I found that various threads on automatic reconnection and I assume SA
> does not currently, reliably, support automatic database reconnection?
> Greg
> >

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