Thanks Rick,

I updated to the latest SVN rev  and things do work now.


On Apr 4, 10:08 pm, "Rick Morrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi fw,
> The explicit zero for the
> float column was a bug that should be fixed in rev #2491.
> MSSQL can store low-resolution datetimes in DATE columns, and the format for
> MSSQL Date columns was expanded to allow storing those (note the missing
> seconds in the format).
> That date change should not affect your queries -- does it?
> On 4/4/07, fw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi list,
> > I am using a mssql database.
> > A mapper that was working in 0.3.4, no longer works in 0.3.6,
> > The query built is apparently the same, but the values used as
> > parameters are not the same.
> > Under 0.3.4 it was
> >       INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0 {'lazy_fa2e': 'xxxxx',
> > 'MakerCost_MakerCost': '0', 'MakerCost_Effective_Date': '2007-04-04'}
> > Under 03.6 it has become
> >        INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..d0
> > {'MakerCost_MakerCost': None, 'lazy_e4bf': 'xxxxx',
> > 'MakerCost_Effective_Date': '2007-04-04 00:00'}
> > As you can see MakerCost has become None instead of 0 (zero) and the
> > Date has turned into a Datetime. Note that the 0 (zero) is explicitly
> > specified in a query.
> > What is going on? Any pointer appreciated.
> > TIA
> >         François
> > Here are the gruesome details
> > The MakerCost  table associate the Maker and the Model tables. It also
> > has a "Cost" and a "Date" fields.
> > The mapped "Cost" property retrieves only the "current" cost. It is
> > when using the "Cost" property  that the problem occurs (In the info
> > above, the "Cost" property on a "Maker" object)
> > tblMaker=Table("Maker",
> >         Column("MAKERCODE",StripString, primary_key = True),
> >         Column("NAME" , CP874String,nullable=False),
> >         Column("ADDR0",String(40),nullable=True),
> >         Column("ADDR1",String(40),nullable=True),
> >         Column("ADDR2",String(40),nullable=True),
> >         Column("ADDR3",String(40),nullable=True),
> >         Column("TBCODE",String,nullable=False),
> >         Column("CONTACT",String,nullable=False),
> >         Column("COMMENTS",String),
> >         Column("DSTAMP",DateTime),
> >         Column("USERNAME",String(8)))
> > tblModel=Table("Model",
> >         Column("ModelCode",CodeString(20), primary_key = True),
> >         Column("ModelGroup",String(12),nullable=False),
> >         Column("ModelThaiName",CP874String(50),nullable=False),
> >         Column("ModelEnglishName",StripString(50),nullable=False),
> >         Column("ModelWeight",Float),
> >         Column("UnitCode",String(5)),
> >         #Column("ProductGroupCode",ForeignKey("... TODO
> >         Column("ModelRemark",CP874String(50)),
> >         Column("EffectDate",Date),
> >         Column("LastDate",DateTime),
> >         Column("LastUser",String(8)))
> > tblMakerCost=Table("MakerCost",
> >         Column("RowOrder",Integer, primary_key = True),
> >         Column("MakerCode" , StripString(50),ForeignKey("Maker.MAKERCODE
> > ")),
> >         Column("ModelCode" , CodeString,ForeignKey("Model.ModelCode")),
> >         Column("MakerCost",Float,nullable=False),
> >         Column("Remark",CP874String(100)),
> >         Column("Reference",CP874String()),
> >         Column("Effective_Date",Date),
> >         Column("LastUpdate",DateTime),
> >         Column("LastUser",String(8)))
> > MakerCost.mapper["Primary"]=mapper(MakerCost,tblMakerCost,
> > properties={
> >         'Cost': tblMakerCost.c.MakerCost,
> >         'id':tblMakerCost.c.RowOrder,
> >         }
> > )
> > #Getting only the latest costs
> > sCCSub=select([tblMakerCost.c.MakerCode, tblMakerCost.c.ModelCode,
> > func.max(tblMakerCost.c.Effective_Date).label('Effective_Date')],
> > tblMakerCost.c.Effective_Date<,group_by=[
> > tblMakerCost.c.MakerCode,
> > tblMakerCost.c.ModelCode]).alias('sCCSub')
> > sCurrentCost=select([c for c in
> > tblMakerCost.c],tblMakerCost.c.MakerCost
> > >0,from_obj=[join(tblMakerCost,sCCSub,and_(
> > sCCSub.c.MakerCode==tblMakerCost.c.MakerCode,and_(
> > sCCSub.c.ModelCode==tblMakerCost.c.ModelCode,
> > sCCSub.c.Effective_Date==tblMakerCost.c.Effective_Date
> > )))]).alias('sCurrentCost')
> > Maker.mapper["Primary"]=mapper(Maker, tblMaker, properties={
> >         'AllCosts':relation(MakerCost, backref='Maker',lazy=True,
> > cascade="all, delete-orphan"),
> >         'Costs': relation(mapper(MakerCost,sCurrentCost,
> > non_primary=True),
> > uselist=True, viewonly=True),
> >          #Models':
> > relation(Model,secondary=tblMakerCost,secondaryjoin=
> > tblModel.c.ModelCode==tblMakerCost.c.ModelCode,
> > #primaryjoin=tblMaker.c.MAKERCODE==tblMakerCost.c.MakerCode,uselist=True,
> > viewonly=True),
> >         'Name':tblMaker.c.NAME,
> >         'Code':tblMaker.c.MAKERCODE,
> >         'Contact': tblMaker.c.CONTACT,
> >         'Comment': tblMaker.c.COMMENTS,
> >         'LastUpdate':tblMaker.c.DSTAMP,
> >         'LastUser':tblMaker.c.USERNAME
> >         }
> > )
> > Model.mapper["Primary"]=mapper(Model,tblModel, properties={
> >         'AllCosts':relation(MakerCost,backref='Model',lazy=True,
> > cascade="all, delete-orphan"),
> >         'Costs': relation(mapper(MakerCost,sCurrentCost,
> > non_primary=True),
> > uselist=True, viewonly=True),
> >         'Makers':
> > relation(Maker,secondary=tblMakerCost,primaryjoin=
> > tblModel.c.ModelCode==tblMakerCost.c.ModelCode,
> > secondaryjoin=tblMaker.c.MAKERCODE==tblMakerCost.c.MakerCode
> > ,backref="Models",uselist=True,
> > viewonly=True),
> >         'Code':tblModel.c.ModelCode,
> >         'Weight':tblModel.c.ModelWeight,
> >         'Start_Date':tblModel.c.EffectDate,
> >         'Products': relation(Product, backref='Model',lazy=True,
> > cascade="all, delete-orphan"),
> >         }
> > )

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