It would be great. Thank you.


On 7 abr, 12:57, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the thing is, we have support for 6 different databases and postgres
> is the *only* one where its DBAPI implementation decides to use
> "Decimal" for numeric types.  the rest return just floats.  that
> means, people who have worked with databases other than postgres will
> be totally surprised to plug in SQLAlchemy one day and all the sudden
> they arent getting their expected float types back.  So i dont think
> one DBAPI should dictate the behavior for all DBAPIs, and its
> definitely not a "bug".  its a feature request, asking for "a generic
> numeric type that is guaranteed to return decimal.Decimal objects
> regardless of underlying DBAPI".
> So, I would rather add a new type called DecimalType that creates
> columns using NUMERIC semantics but explicitly returns
> decimal.Decimal objects.
> On Apr 7, 2007, at 9:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm using SQLite in tests and there is a problem when using
> > decimal.Decimal with sqlalchemy's Numeric type:
> > SQLError: (InterfaceError) Error binding parameter 5 - probably
> > unsupported type.
> > This is not a new issue, a similar one was posted in
> >
> > 300b757014c7d375/ad024f5365ab2eea
> > It looks like a bug in sqlalchemy, but I'd rather discuss it here
> > before creating a ticket. What I'd really like is that the Numeric
> > field could work with decimal.Decimal in SQLite as it does with
> > postgres, without any other external hack.
> > Regards,
> > André

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