On May 2, 1:54 pm, Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm new to SQLAlchemy and not sure exactly how to explain this in its
> terminology, so please bear with me.
> We moving to replace an in-house developed ORM with SQLAlchemy because it
> works better with the software we want to use.  One problem I have is that
> we're working with some unnormalized tables that store multiple values in
> certain columns.  For example, a column "invnum" might be a varchar(20),
> where the first four characters are a customer ID string, and the rest are
> the the string representation of an integer invoice number.  That is,
> customer "Foo, Inc." has an invoice 123456, and that is stored
> as "FOOI123456".  Yes, this is unpretty, but we're working on it.
> In the mean time, it's easy enough to create a property that returns the
> customer ID, ala:
>     class Invoice(object):
>         def _getcustomer(self):
>             return self.invnum[:4]
>         customer = property(_getcustomer)
> However, I also need to be able to search by that calculated value, ideally
> with something like:
>     session.query(Invoice).get_by(customer='FOOI')
> Is this even remotely possible?

with the basic mapping youre using, remotely possible yes, but not
your idealization.  youd have to go with:

session.query(Invoice).get(func.substr(Invoice.c.invnum, 1, 4)=='FOO')

> Our in-house ORM knew enough about our
> table structure that it would generate SQL like:
>     select * from invoice where substr(invnum,1,4) = 'FOOI';

So here is the more fun part.  you may be able to create a mapper to

s = select([invoice_table, func.substr(invoice_table.c.invnum, 1,

mapper(Invoice, s)

and then, youd probably get the querying functionality youre looking
for.  plus youd even have a 'customer' attribute on your instance with
the right value.  however, 'customer' wouldnt respond in memory when
you change the value of 'invnum', youd have to still use properties to
do that.

i say "probably" because i havent tried using get_by() with a function-
based column, would be curious to know if it works (or if not maybe i
can make it work).

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