no wait, scratch my last email for a bit.  try rev 2601.

On May 3, 2007, at 5:29 PM, Kirk Strauser wrote:

> On May 2, 2007, at 8:32 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> oh duh, i forgot about the new thing Gaetan came up with, try this
>> too:
>> mapper(Invoice, invoice_table, properties={
>>     'customer':column_property(func.substr(invoice_table.c.invnum, 1,
>> 4).label('customer'))
>> })
> That's so very, *very* close.  It works perfectly for that  
> particular column, but a slightly more complex function causes  
> breakage.  The only problem is that it generates SQL that  
> PostgreSQL 8.2 isn't quite happy with.  Given the following code:
> rdy2bill_table = Table('rdy2bill', metadata,
>                        Column('invid', Integer, primary_key=True),
>                        Column('invnum', String),
>                        Column('pprresp', String, key='responsible'),
>                        Column('xmlvars', String),
>                        )
> mapper(ReadyToBill, rdy2bill_table, properties={
>     'customer' : column_property(func.substr 
> (rdy2bill_table.c.invnum, 1,
>                                              4).label('customer')),
>     'groupcode': column_property(func.substring 
> (rdy2bill_table.c.xmlvars, "<M.XRSGRPCD>(.*)</M.XRSGRPCD>").label 
> ('groupcode')),
>     })
> inv = session.query(ReadyToBill).get_by(invid=1000346504,  
> groupcode='BILLGSCB')
> I get a query like:
> 'SELECT substr(rdy2bill.invnum, %(substr)s, %(substr_1)s) AS  
> customer, rdy2bill.xmlvars AS rdy2bill_xmlvars, rdy2bill.pprresp AS  
> rdy2bill_pprresp, rdy2bill.invnum AS rdy2bill_invnum,  
> rdy2bill.invid AS rdy2bill_invid, substring(rdy2bill.xmlvars, % 
> (substring)s) AS groupcode \nFROM rdy2bill \nWHERE (rdy2bill.invid  
> = %(rdy2bill_invid)s) AND (substring(rdy2bill.xmlvars, %(substring) 
> s) AS groupcode = %(literal)s) ORDER BY rdy2bill.invid \n LIMIT  
> 1' {'substring': '<M.XRSGRPCD>(.*)</M.XRSGRPCD>', 'substr': 1,  
> 'literal': 'BILLGSCB', 'rdy2bill_invid': 1000346504, 'substr_1': 4}
> The killer part is the "(substring(rdy2bill.xmlvars, %(substring)s)  
> AS groupcode = " in the WHERE clause.  PostgreSQL apparently  
> doesn't want that predicate to be named.  Can that be disabled?
> -- 
> Kirk Strauser
> >

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