well its generally that the identifier name is too long.  i dont  
exactly understand how its coming out without its proper truncation  
being set, and it might be related to how the oracle module redefines  
"ORDER BY"...so for now youd have to stick with 0.3.6 or shorten the  
column name on your table.  if you want to send me the "Table" for  
that i can try to create a test out of it.

On May 7, 2007, at 2:37 PM, shday wrote:

> I am getting a new error when using r2607. When I switch back to 3.6
> there is no error.
> Here is the stack trace:
> Page handler: <bound method StudyRequestController.default of
> <srt.controllers.StudyRequestController instance at 0x015D6620>>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\cherrypy-2.2.1-py2.4.egg 
> \cherrypy
> \_cphttptools.py", line 105, in _run
>     self.main()
>   File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\cherrypy-2.2.1-py2.4.egg 
> \cherrypy
> \_cphttptools.py", line 254, in main
>     body = page_handler(*virtual_path, **self.params)
>   File "<string>", line 3, in default
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\controllers.py", line 334, in expose
>   File "<string>", line 5, in run_with_transaction
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\database.py", line 354, in sa_rwt
>     retval = dispatch_exception(e,args,kw)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\database.py", line 343, in sa_rwt
>     retval = func(*args, **kw)
>   File "<string>", line 5, in _expose
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\controllers.py", line 351, in <lambda>
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\controllers.py", line 378, in _execute_func
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\errorhandling.py", line 73, in try_call
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Daystev\Desktop\srt_trunk\srt- 
> project
> \srt\controllers.py", line 232, in default
>     return action(item, **params)
>   File "<string>", line 3, in edit
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\controllers.py", line 330, in expose
>   File "<string>", line 5, in _expose
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\controllers.py", line 351, in <lambda>
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\controllers.py", line 378, in _execute_func
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
> \turbogears\errorhandling.py", line 73, in try_call
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Daystev\Desktop\srt_trunk\srt- 
> project
> \srt\controllers.py", line 251, in edit
>     request = dbmodel.request(request_id)
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Daystev\Desktop\srt_trunk\srt- 
> project
> \srt\model.py", line 328, in request
>     model_table.c.model_id == study_request_table.c.model_id))
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 270, in selectfirst
>     ret = self.select_whereclause(whereclause=arg, **kwargs)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 326, in select_whereclause
>     return self._select_statement(statement, params=params)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 939, in _select_statement
>     return self.execute(statement, params=params, **kwargs)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 843, in execute
>     result = self.session.execute(self.mapper, clauseelement,
> params=params)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\orm\session.py", line 183, in execute
>     return self.connection(mapper,
> close_with_result=True).execute(clause, params, **kwargs)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 496, in execute
>     return Connection.executors[c](self, object, *multiparams,
> **params)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 536, in execute_clauseelement
>     return self.execute_compiled(elem.compile(dialect=self.dialect,
> parameters=param), *multiparams, **params)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 547, in execute_compiled
>     self._execute_raw(context)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 560, in _execute_raw
>     self._execute(context)
>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
> \sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 578, in _execute
>     raise exceptions.SQLError(context.statement, context.parameters,
> e)
> SQLError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00904:
>  'SELECT study_request.model_id AS study_request_model_id,
> study_request.action_plan_wiki_id AS study_request_action_pla_2,
> anon_dd00.task AS anon_dd00_task, anon_dd00.study_request_id AS
> anon_dd00_study_request_id, anon_dd00.fte_days AS anon_dd00_fte_days,
> study_request.animals_requested AS study_request_animals_re_3,
> study_request.note AS study_request_note, study_request.media_type AS
> study_request_media_type, study_request.study_date AS
> study_request_study_date, study_request.study_end_date AS
> study_request_study_end_date, study_request.acc_protocol_id AS
> study_request_acc_protocol_id, study_request.justification AS
> study_request_justification, study_request.year_submitted AS
> study_request_year_submitted, study_request.fte_weeks AS
> study_request_fte_weeks, study_request.date_submitted AS
> study_request_date_submitted, study_request.action_plan_md5 AS
> study_request_action_plan_md5, study_request.fte_weekends AS
> study_request_fte_weekends, study_request.requester_isid AS
> study_request_requester_isid, anon_3ada.study_request_id AS
> anon_3ada_study_request_id, anon_3ada.technician_isid AS
> anon_3ada_technician_isid, anon_3ada.task AS anon_3ada_task,
> study_request.mcode AS study_request_mcode, study_request.action_plan
> AS study_request_action_plan, study_request.cancelled AS
> study_request_cancelled, anon_59b7.model_acronym AS
> anon_59b7_model_acronym, anon_59b7.therapeutic_area AS
> anon_59b7_therapeutic_area, anon_59b7.model_id AS anon_59b7_model_id,
> anon_59b7.investigator_isid AS anon_59b7_investigator_isid,
> anon_59b7.active AS anon_59b7_active, anon_59b7.model_name AS
> anon_59b7_model_name, study_request.study_request_id AS
> study_request_study_requ_1, study_request.animals_used AS
> study_request_animals_used, study_request.model_request_counter AS
> study_request_model_requ_4 \nFROM (SELECT study_request_study_requ_1
> \nFROM (SELECT study_request.study_request_id AS
> study_request_study_requ_1, study_request.rowid AS study_request_oid,
> ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY study_request.rowid) AS ora_rn \nFROM
> study_request, model \nWHERE model.model_acronym
> = :model_model_acronym AND study_request.model_request_counter
> = :study_request_model_requ_1 AND model.model_id =
> study_request.model_id) \nWHERE ora_rn<=1) tbl_row_count,
> study_request LEFT OUTER JOIN comp_med_resource anon_dd00 ON
> study_request.study_request_id = anon_dd00.study_request_id LEFT OUTER
> JOIN technician_study_request anon_3ada ON
> study_request.study_request_id = anon_3ada.study_request_id LEFT OUTER
> JOIN model anon_59b7 ON anon_59b7.model_id = study_request.model_id
> \nWHERE study_request.study_request_id =
> tbl_row_count.study_request_study_requ_1 ORDER BY
> tbl_row_count.study_request_study_request_id,
> anon_dd00.study_request_id, anon_3ada.task,
> anon_59b7.model_id' {'model_model_acronym': 'RMS2007',
> 'study_request_model_requ_1': '30'}
> >

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