yeah also whats your mapper on that ?  is there a string-based  
order_by in there somewhere (or in the query.selectfirst() call) ?  i  
dont understand why that name wouldnt be truncated.

On May 7, 2007, at 3:09 PM, shday wrote:

> The table is reflected here:
> study_request_table = Table('study_request',metadata,
> Column('study_request_id',Numeric(precision=6,length=0),
> Sequence('study_request_seq'),primary_key=True,nullable=False),
>                             autoload=True)
> Here in what metadata.table['study_request'] gives:
> Table('study_request',DynamicMetaData(),Column 
> ('acc_protocol_id',OracleString(le
> ngth=8),ForeignKey 
> ('model_acc_protocol.acc_protocol_id'),nullable=False),Column(
> 'mcode',OracleString(length=8)),Column 
> ('date_submitted',OracleDateTime(timezone=
> False)),Column('action_plan_wiki_id',OracleNumeric 
> (precision=10,length=0)),Colum
> n('fte_weeks',OracleNumeric(precision=12,length=4)),Column 
> ('fte_weekends',Oracle
> Numeric(precision=12,length=4)),Column 
> ('year_submitted',OracleNumeric(precision=
> 4,length=0)),Column('study_request_id',Numeric 
> (precision=6,length=0),primary_key
> =True,nullable=False,default=Sequence 
> ('study_request_seq',start=None,increment=N
> one,optional=False)),Column('model_id',OracleNumeric 
> (precision=6,length=0),Forei
> gnKey('model_acc_protocol.model_id'),nullable=False),Column 
> ('requester_isid',Ora
> cleString(length=8),nullable=False),Column 
> ('justification',OracleString(length=4
> 000)),Column('study_date',OracleDateTime 
> (timezone=False),nullable=False),Column(
> 'animals_requested',OracleNumeric(precision=4,length=0)),Column 
> ('animals_used',O
> racleNumeric(precision=4,length=0)),Column('cancelled',OracleNumeric 
> (precision=1
> ,length=0),nullable=False,default=PassiveDefault 
> (<sqlalchemy.sql._TextClause
> obj
> ect at
> 0x016FB630>)),Column('model_request_counter',OracleNumeric 
> (precision=6,le
> ngth=0),nullable=False),Column('study_end_date',OracleDateTime 
> (timezone=False),n
> ullable=False),Column('note',OracleString(length=4000)),Column 
> ('action_plan',Ora
> cleBinary(length=None)),Column('media_type',OracleString 
> (length=64)),Column('act
> ion_plan_md5',OracleString(length=32)),schema=None)
> On May 7, 2:46 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> well its generally that the identifier name is too long.  i dont
>> exactly understand how its coming out without its proper truncation
>> being set, and it might be related to how the oracle module redefines
>> "ORDER BY" for now youd have to stick with 0.3.6 or shorten the
>> column name on your table.  if you want to send me the "Table" for
>> that i can try to create a test out of it.
>> On May 7, 2007, at 2:37 PM, shday wrote:
>>> I am getting a new error when using r2607. When I switch back to 3.6
>>> there is no error.
>>> Here is the stack trace:
>>> Page handler: <bound method StudyRequestController.default of
>>> <srt.controllers.StudyRequestController instance at 0x015D6620>>
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\cherrypy-2.2.1-py2.4.egg
>>> \cherrypy
>>> \", line 105, in _run
>>>     self.main()
>>>   File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\cherrypy-2.2.1-py2.4.egg
>>> \cherrypy
>>> \", line 254, in main
>>>     body = page_handler(*virtual_path, **self.params)
>>>   File "<string>", line 3, in default
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 334, in expose
>>>   File "<string>", line 5, in run_with_transaction
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 354, in sa_rwt
>>>     retval = dispatch_exception(e,args,kw)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 343, in sa_rwt
>>>     retval = func(*args, **kw)
>>>   File "<string>", line 5, in _expose
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 351, in <lambda>
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 378, in _execute_func
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 73, in try_call
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Daystev\Desktop\srt_trunk\srt-
>>> project
>>> \srt\", line 232, in default
>>>     return action(item, **params)
>>>   File "<string>", line 3, in edit
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 330, in expose
>>>   File "<string>", line 5, in _expose
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 351, in <lambda>
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 378, in _execute_func
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen\Desktop\tg_checkout
>>> \turbogears\", line 73, in try_call
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Daystev\Desktop\srt_trunk\srt-
>>> project
>>> \srt\", line 251, in edit
>>>     request = dbmodel.request(request_id)
>>>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Daystev\Desktop\srt_trunk\srt-
>>> project
>>> \srt\", line 328, in request
>>>     model_table.c.model_id == study_request_table.c.model_id))
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 270, in selectfirst
>>>     ret = self.select_whereclause(whereclause=arg, **kwargs)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 326, in select_whereclause
>>>     return self._select_statement(statement, params=params)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 939, in _select_statement
>>>     return self.execute(statement, params=params, **kwargs)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 843, in execute
>>>     result = self.session.execute(self.mapper, clauseelement,
>>> params=params)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 183, in execute
>>>     return self.connection(mapper,
>>> close_with_result=True).execute(clause, params, **kwargs)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\engine\", line 496, in execute
>>>     return Connection.executors[c](self, object, *multiparams,
>>> **params)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\engine\", line 536, in execute_clauseelement
>>>     return self.execute_compiled(elem.compile(dialect=self.dialect,
>>> parameters=param), *multiparams, **params)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\engine\", line 547, in execute_compiled
>>>     self._execute_raw(context)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\engine\", line 560, in _execute_raw
>>>     self._execute(context)
>>>   File "c:\documents and settings\daystev\desktop\sqlalchemy_co\lib
>>> \sqlalchemy\engine\", line 578, in _execute
>>>     raise exceptions.SQLError(context.statement, context.parameters,
>>> e)
>>> SQLError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00904:
>>>  'SELECT study_request.model_id AS study_request_model_id,
>>> study_request.action_plan_wiki_id AS study_request_action_pla_2,
>>> anon_dd00.task AS anon_dd00_task, anon_dd00.study_request_id AS
>>> anon_dd00_study_request_id, anon_dd00.fte_days AS  
>>> anon_dd00_fte_days,
>>> study_request.animals_requested AS study_request_animals_re_3,
>>> study_request.note AS study_request_note,  
>>> study_request.media_type AS
>>> study_request_media_type, study_request.study_date AS
>>> study_request_study_date, study_request.study_end_date AS
>>> study_request_study_end_date, study_request.acc_protocol_id AS
>>> study_request_acc_protocol_id, study_request.justification AS
>>> study_request_justification, study_request.year_submitted AS
>>> study_request_year_submitted, study_request.fte_weeks AS
>>> study_request_fte_weeks, study_request.date_submitted AS
>>> study_request_date_submitted, study_request.action_plan_md5 AS
>>> study_request_action_plan_md5, study_request.fte_weekends AS
>>> study_request_fte_weekends, study_request.requester_isid AS
>>> study_request_requester_isid, anon_3ada.study_request_id AS
>>> anon_3ada_study_request_id, anon_3ada.technician_isid AS
>>> anon_3ada_technician_isid, anon_3ada.task AS anon_3ada_task,
>>> study_request.mcode AS study_request_mcode,  
>>> study_request.action_plan
>>> AS study_request_action_plan, study_request.cancelled AS
>>> study_request_cancelled, anon_59b7.model_acronym AS
>>> anon_59b7_model_acronym, anon_59b7.therapeutic_area AS
>>> anon_59b7_therapeutic_area, anon_59b7.model_id AS  
>>> anon_59b7_model_id,
>>> anon_59b7.investigator_isid AS anon_59b7_investigator_isid,
>>> AS anon_59b7_active, anon_59b7.model_name AS
>>> anon_59b7_model_name, study_request.study_request_id AS
>>> study_request_study_requ_1, study_request.animals_used AS
>>> study_request_animals_used, study_request.model_request_counter AS
>>> study_request_model_requ_4 \nFROM (SELECT study_request_study_requ_1
>>> \nFROM (SELECT study_request.study_request_id AS
>>> study_request_study_requ_1, study_request.rowid AS  
>>> study_request_oid,
>>> ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY study_request.rowid) AS ora_rn \nFROM
>>> study_request, model \nWHERE model.model_acronym
>>> = :model_model_acronym AND study_request.model_request_counter
>>> = :study_request_model_requ_1 AND model.model_id =
>>> study_request.model_id) \nWHERE ora_rn<=1) tbl_row_count,
>>> study_request LEFT OUTER JOIN comp_med_resource anon_dd00 ON
>>> study_request.study_request_id = anon_dd00.study_request_id LEFT  
>>> JOIN technician_study_request anon_3ada ON
>>> study_request.study_request_id = anon_3ada.study_request_id LEFT  
>>> JOIN model anon_59b7 ON anon_59b7.model_id = study_request.model_id
>>> \nWHERE study_request.study_request_id =
>>> tbl_row_count.study_request_study_requ_1 ORDER BY
>>> tbl_row_count.study_request_study_request_id,
>>> anon_dd00.study_request_id, anon_3ada.task,
>>> anon_59b7.model_id' {'model_model_acronym': 'RMS2007',
>>> 'study_request_model_requ_1': '30'}- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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