On May 9, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Rick Morrison wrote:

> Hey Mike,
> I've really gotten to like the generative style of query building  
> that the ORM layer uses, and I find myself developing a number of  
> patterns that use that style to
> good advantage.
> Today I found myself struggling with a query in the low-level SQL- 
> API layer that the generative approach would make really easy -- is  
> there a way to get the same kind of generative effect in the lower  
> layers?
> Right now I'm kind of hacking something that uses copy.copy() on  
> the select(), and that surprisingly seems to work, but makes me  
> think there must be a better way.

yeah i really should have just imitated Hibernate more closely when i  
started this thing.

theres no technical reason generativeness couldnt be applied to  
ClauseElements except for potential API messiness.  we do have  
methods on select() that modify it, such as append_whereclause(),  
order_by(),  and such...if they just returned "self", then you could  
act more "generatively" with it, i.e. select(...).append_whereclause 

then again, true "generativeness" would have simpler method names  
like just "where()", "from()", etc. and I suppose those arent a big  
deal to add.  like with Query, im not sure what the advantage is to  
the select() being actually "copied" though i guess thats the "safer"  
approach (but notably is not how Hibernate's Criterion object works;  
you get the same one back each time).  so the "do we actually copy"  
is a big decision to make, and unfortunately Query has made its  
decision on the "yes" side so i think we might have to lean that way  
for consistency.

on a related note we have a ticket in place to allow "select()" to be  
"copyable", which is not a big deal but i want there to be some nice  
tests set up for that since a select has a lot of elements that need  
to be faithfully copied over.

we are close to a 0.4 so perhaps that would be a good time for some  
slight API change on select().

also it seems like select() is really the only construct that really  
could use "generativeness"...other constructs like joins, aliases,  
etc., already have methods to create new objects from them, but as  
far as mutating operations it seems select() is the only real  
candidate (would you want generativeness on other constructs, like  
CASE, boolean operators, etc?)

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