On 6/1/07, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Orr wrote:
> > Could we have session.engine be an alias for session.bind_to?  Pretty
> > please?  The only reason I leave a top-level 'engine' around is in
> > case I need it for something, because .bind_to is so non-obvious.
> pylons is the reason pulling the engine off the session is even
> becoming popular, because it is actually using the bind_to feature,
> as well as that it didnt really create any easy way to get at the
> engine repository (not to mention the issues i raised on the pylons
> list).  things to note about bind_to is that the session may not be
> bound to anything, and also can be bound to *multiple* engines in the
> case that someone is making it do that.  which is why the "official"
> way to get the engine is session.get_bind(<mapper>).  i dont know
> what im saying here other than im getting a little antsy about
> session / engine /etc being muddied / TMTOWTDI.  theres too many
> choices but in this case people wanted them.

I assume you're referring to this thread:
Subject: Pylons Integration of SQLAlchemy config extremely broken
Date: 2007-05-25

A couple older threads which are slightly obsolete:
Subject: SQLAlchemy best practices
Date: 2006-09-20

Subject: ANN: Pylons 0.9.4 released
Date: 2006-12-30

There is agreement in the Pylons group that pylons.database needs to
be improved.  Both you and I and others need to pass in more
create_engine options.  I'm contemplating a patch that would read all
currently-defined options from the config file, converting those known
to be ints or bool, and skipping those requiring non-scalar values.
That would solve a large chunk of people's problems.

Multiple engines make my head spin.  Why do you need that unless
you're connecting to two different databases in the same application?
And even if you did, wouldn't you define a second top-level
session_context to bind it to, with its own different metadata and
tables, and never the twain shall mix?  I don't want a registry of
engines or something in the 'g' object.  What I want is a simple
out-of-the box configuration for simple sites, but more robust than
what Pylons currently has.  Maybe we'll have to come up with separate
simple and advanced configurations if others need multiple engines and

I also don't like how pylons.database initializes a session_context at
import time rather than providing a create_session_context function,
so that's another thing to add to my patch.  Otherwise if you can't
use pylons.database.create_engine() for some reason, you have to
duplicate a lot of code to recreate or bypass the default
session_context, and this includes writing stub functions because
SessionContext takes a session factory function with takes a
create_engine function, so there's no way to customize the
create_engine from the SessionContext constructor directly.

Methinks SQLAlchemy is contributing to the problem with its long
hierarchy of engine -> metadata -> session -> session_context, but I
don't have the expertise to say what might be better.  But certainly
it's annoying that:

- SessionContext doesn't take both create_engine and make_session
arguments, or arguments to pass through to those, and build your ideal
engine -> session -> session_context hierarchy on the fly.  Instead
you have to create a dummy make_session function just to tell it which
create_engine to use.  This is part of why overriding Pylons' default
session_context requires reimplementing three whole functions.

- This is a part of the previous, but SessionContext in the manual
says, "A common customization is a Session which needs to explicitly
bind to a particular Engine."  Yes, so why doesn't SQLAlchemy provide
a way to handle this common case without the user having to define his
own make_session?  Again, SessionContext -- or a
create_session_context function -- could do this for you if you pass
an 'engine' argument.

- Metadata seems like an implementation detail.  I have to define a
metadata just to pass it to my Table's, then I never use it again.
There is global_connect() which hides it, but its use seems
discouraged.  Plus global_connect gets into all that DynamicMetaData
complication, such as whether it will autoconnect properly in the
other threads.  Perhaps what I'm asking for is a global_bound_connect
or something?  I can see why the metadata can't be subsumed into the
engine because you may want to connect the same metadata back and
forth if you're copying data from one database to another.  And I can
see why it can't be subsumed into create_session_context because you
need it before that to autoload the tables.  So it's kind of the
centerpiece that holds those two together and also holds the tables.
So maybe making the metadata less obtrusive is insolvable.

I don't know whether the answer is to collapse the hierarchy so it's
not function-calling-function-calling-function or what.  Probably that
would be too disruptive to existing users and make SQLAlchemy less
flexible/useful.  But I just wonder how much of this hierarchy is
really necessary/useful, and how much should just be subsumed in an
uber one-session-context-to-rule-them-all like pylons.database does.

I'm only doing ctx.current.bind_to because Pylons makes that easy, and
because as a naive user I wouldn't know whether it's safe to stray
away from that recommendation.  Users know not to share a session
between threads, that they should use session_context even though they
don't quite understand what it does, but they can get confused whether
an engine or metadata or anything else that's accessed through a
session_context is compatible with one declared or used at top level
in another thread.

I would be in favor of a more straightforward approach in my model:

engine = create_engine(...)
meta = BoundMetaData(engine)
ctx = create_session_context(engine, meta, session_options)

But under the current SQLAlchemy this would require more lines of code
than just that.  Would this be "better" than just using the
session_context Pylons provides for me and doing ctx.current.bind_to?
I'm not sure.


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