it's all okay. i just thought that if it is a "Context", u should have 
some destructors - as u call many constructors. otherwise it is not 
reentrant - or at least repeatable.

But if the idea is that this context will always be one-and-only, 
lives forever, and all db-stuff will happen within this one single 
instance, then, yeah, no point of destructing anything.

> > Here some i've found useful so far (sorry, not immediately
> > usable): --------------
> > def destroy( me, full =True):
> > def detach_instances( namespace_or_iterable, idname ='id'):

> These may be useful in a library of SQLAlchemy utility functions
> but they're outside SAContext's scope.  SAContext doesn't contain
> mappers so it shouldn't be clearing them.  Likewise it doesn't
> contain tables
metadata does. and u have metadata. as of mappers - i dont know what 
happens if u clear metadata but do not clear mappers.

> But don't these "destroy everything" scenarios mainly occur during
> interactive debugging and experimentation?  Where in an application
> would you want to clear mappers, detach an object with no traces
> left behind (aren't session.clear() and session.expunge() good
> enough?), or destroy everything?
session.stuff() cannot clear instance-keys (of identity-map). So u 
cannot re-save your objects into another SA context.

now u ask where... dunno, i ran into it the other day, in rather plain 
blackbox testing, and thought it can be good for completeness sake. 
One should be able to do testing without huge time-code-investment...

anyway, dont bother.

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