Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Jun 29, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Huy Do wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do I configure my mapper/table to leave the cascade up to my
>> database. i.e I don't want SA to auto update or delete my child  
>> objects
>> when I delete or update my parent object.
> you are probably looking for "passive_deletes=True" on your  
> relations.   you can also prevent SQLAlchemy from marking child items  
> as deleted by just not using "delete" cascade, but you cannot prevent  
> it from updating the foreign key of child items with NULL..also if a  
> delete cascade takes place, the session's view of objects will be  
> incorrect if one of the deleted child items is still present in the  
> session...so best to leave your cascade matching that of the database.
Yeah...but I really don't want SA doing the delete or update for me, 
when my database can do it. I guess that's the price for using the ORM.
> the passive_deletes flag will just prevent it from defensively  
> loading in child items upon delete which is probably what youre  
> looking for.
This is my problem. I have cascade delete on one of my tables, and when 
i try to delete a record, i get the null not allowed in foreign key 
error. This happens because SA is trying to update my child records when 
i delete the main record. I was hoping to use 
Relation(...cascade="expunge"), but it doesn't seem to do what I 
thought. I just want SA not to do an update on the child records (or 
anything else on the child records), just delete the main record.



> >   

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