
It's been great to see the recent discussions on this. An area I've been 
meaning to do some more work on for a while. I've noticed there are two 
main schools of thought on this issue:

1) Some people want the database layout to be completely defined in the 
database and have the Python side read that automatically.
2) Others want to have the Python definitions be the master record and 
have the database adapt itself to them.

As it stands, SQLAlchemy already has pretty good support for (1), with 
table autoload, the recent ability to pickle metadata objects, and also 
with SqlSoup. Support for (2) is more limited, with the migrate project 
being the main tool available. Some tools that would be useful are:

1) Build python table definitions from a live database (i.e. AutoCode)
2) Tell you where a MetaData differs from a live database
3) Automatically build migrate scripts for simple database changes (e.g. 
adding a column)

Now, I think we're hitting the limits of having such tools in the 
UsageRecipes on the Wiki. Mike - is this something you'd be prepared to 
have in SQLAlchemy, perhaps in a "scripts" subdirectory? Otherwise, I 
wonder if we should pick up the migrate project again and add these 
kinds of abilities.

One other thing while I remember, how about adding a function 
all_table_names (to return list of table names in a live database) to 
each database's dialect? This would get rid of database-dependent code 
in tools like AutoCode.


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