On Friday 27 July 2007 23:18:17 Paul Johnston wrote:
> It's been great to see the recent discussions on this. An area I've
> been meaning to do some more work on for a while. I've noticed
> there are two main schools of thought on this issue:
> 1) Some people want the database layout to be completely defined in
> the database and have the Python side read that automatically. 
> 2) Others want to have the Python definitions be the master record
> and have the database adapt itself to them.
> As it stands, SQLAlchemy already has pretty good support for (1),
> with table autoload, the recent ability to pickle metadata objects,
> and also with SqlSoup. 
missing is the metadata.autoload itself, i.e. u can autoload a table 
only if u know/hope it exists.

> Support for (2) is more limited, with the 
> migrate project being the main tool available. 
afaisaw yesterday, it goes some great lengths about bookkeeping of the 
version-change scripts, but nothing about helping write the scripts 
themselves - DIY.

> Some tools that would be useful are:
> 1) Build python table definitions from a live database (i.e.
> AutoCode) 
> 2) Tell you where a MetaData differs from a live database
> 3) Automatically build migrate scripts for simple database changes
> (e.g. adding a column)

> Now, I think we're hitting the limits of having such tools in the
> UsageRecipes on the Wiki. Mike - is this something you'd be
> prepared to have in SQLAlchemy, perhaps in a "scripts"
> subdirectory? Otherwise, I wonder if we should pick up the migrate
> project again and add these kinds of abilities.
i also have couple of SA-related scripts i did for dbcook. e.g. the 
sa_generator. apart of the autoload/metadatadiff.

> One other thing while I remember, how about adding a function
> all_table_names (to return list of table names in a live database)
> to each database's dialect? This would get rid of
> database-dependent code in tools like AutoCode.
not only tables - indexes, ... schemas, functions, triggers, whatever 
lives at that level, for that particular dialect.

imo many things can go in SA, be it dialects or not. The way there is 
able(autoload=1), there should be Metadata( autoload=1);
the way there is reflect_table() in dialects, there should be 
reflect_metadata() etc.

the metadata traverser/comparator is also candidate for a 
metadata.compare() method, with the support of lots of lower level 
objects - tables/columns/constraints/... e.g. .compare() method on 
all shema items.

For now all can stay separate, until its more working.

do check my metadatadiff at dbcook.sf.net's trunk.
What i achieved there should be enough for adding/removing/ 
value-modifying of things. renames are tricky, moves are even 
trickier, probably forget them. Splitting X into joined-inheritance 
X1 and X2, and combining back might be interesting... 
Anyway i'll be outside of internet next 2 weeks, so u can pick it up 
and go ahead. i could not decide on some things, e.g. how deep to 
stop being picky and just compare str(x) - or x.__dict__.
Too lazy to write .compare() on _everything_.

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