On Jul 29, 2007, at 9:21 AM, peter wrote:

> Hello,
> recently i started working with SQLAlchemy and i have one question
> regarding the stored procedures.
> On the following website, there is a quide of how to execute the
> stored procedures:
> http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/ 
> d0b3ad0379606e81/eb1447a0fd3129cc?lnk=gst&q=func+graph&rnum=1
> My question is how to map Python-class and stored procedures.
> For exapmple:
> class Person:
>     givenName
>     surName
>     id
> and the procedures:
>     getPerson( id )
>     setPerson( id, gName, sName )
>     createPerson( )
>     removePerson( id )
> Can you please tell me if it is possible to use getPerson instead of
> select...; and setPerson... instead of update?

the ORM was designed around a model of issuing direct SQL.  if you  
have stored procedures that do persistence, then your "ORM" is  
partially embedded in your database.  Its may be possible to get your  
"getPerson" function to work for ORM selects, by creating a select  
statement out of it and mapping to that (but that would require a  
getPerson() that returns lists of "person" rows).  but for the update  
side, SA's ORM only knows INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.  youd have to issue  
those setPerson/createPerson statements using contstructed or textual  
SQL statements.

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