> I've finally done first POC implementation of this feature.
> Basic usage looks like:
> import aggregator as a
> mapper(Line, lines,
>      extension=a.Quick(a.Count(blocks.c.lines),
>       a.Max(blocks.c.lastline, lines.c.id)))
> (You also need foreign keys)

hi, i have similar idea/need within dbcook, although on a somewhat 
higher level:
cache_results/: (dbcook/SA) add-on for automaticaly-updated database 
denormalisation caches of intermediate results, each one depending on 
particular pattern of usage. Wishful syntax:

    class SomeCacheKlas( Base):
        fieldname = cache_aggregator( klas.field, AggrFilterCriteria)
    #class Cache4averagePerson( Base):
        #age    = cache_agregators.Average( Person.age, Filter1 )
        #salary = cache_agregators.Sum( Person.salary, Filter2 )
i was thinking on using triggers and/or sql-functions but then this is 
just one way to do it - and the idea is to hide the implementation.

Can your implementation be extended to use: 
 a) more complex aggregator expressions (e.g. average(), that is 
sum() / count(), and similar dependencies)
 b) more complex filters - e.g. not max() on all rows, but on some 

think of generic report calculations/aggregations, and putting those 
into some cacheing table. 
Eventualy getting the report being built on-the-run - distributing the 
big wait over the atomary updates.

> http://www.mr-pc.kiev.ua/projects/SQLAlchemyAggregation
this gives me 404

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