On Wednesday 08 August 2007 12:18:24 Paul Colomiets wrote:
> > hi, i have similar idea/need within dbcook, although on a
> > somewhat higher level:
> > <pre>
> > cache_results/: (dbcook/SA) add-on for automaticaly-updated
> > database denormalisation caches of intermediate results, each one
> > depending on particular pattern of usage. Wishful syntax:
> >
> >     class SomeCacheKlas( Base):
> >         fieldname = cache_aggregator( klas.field,
> > AggrFilterCriteria) #e.g.
> >     #class Cache4averagePerson( Base):
> >         #age    = cache_agregators.Average( Person.age, Filter1 )
> >         #salary = cache_agregators.Sum( Person.salary, Filter2 )
> > </pre>
> > i was thinking on using triggers and/or sql-functions but then
> > this is just one way to do it - and the idea is to hide the
> > implementation.
> I've seen that, but found no code.
> Is it something only planned for dbcook?
yes, to-be-done, as a way to avoid DB to become denormalized in some 
particular unplanned/uncontrolled way, that fits some reports and 
screws all else. It takes me a great fight to convince users that 
denormalization is out of app's bare model... its something u lay 
over it.

> > Can your implementation be extended to use:
> >  a) more complex aggregator expressions (e.g. average(), that is
> > sum() / count(), and similar dependencies)
> Definetly can. Now you can just use property for that:
> avg = property(lambda self: self.sum / self.count)
naaah, sorry, that was too easy. i mean more complex aggregation 
functions... i guess it can, if u can do sum=sum+x, then u could do 

> >  b) more complex filters - e.g. not max() on all rows, but on
> > some subset/select
> Yes. I'm looking for syntax for that. Functionality seems
> very similar for `relation()` so may be
> `a.Max(...,primaryjoin=...)` would do.

hmmm... relation... yess, it is like a plural relation but getting a 
singular result out of it, and never ever loading the items. 
Are u using something along PropertyLoader?


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