Jian wrote:
> Hi List:
> I am just doing a test of my pylons site under medium load.
> (ab2 -c 20 -n 5000 ...)
> and got following errors:
> 2007-08-29 17:32:34,468 INFO  [paste.httpserver.ThreadPool]
> kill_hung_threads status: 10 threads (10 working, 0 idle, 0
> starting) ave time 2.24sec, max time 7.22sec, killed 0 workers
> 2007-08-29 17:32:40,874 INFO  [paste.httpserver.ThreadPool]
> kill_hung_threads status: 10 threads (10 working, 0 idle, 0
> starting) ave time 7.28sec, max time 13.63sec, killed 0 workers
> Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.TimeoutError'>: QueuePool
> limit of size 5 overflow 10 reached, connection timed out,
> timeout 30 Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.TimeoutError'>:
> QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 10 reached, connection timed
> out, timeout 30
> Some Details of test environment:
> [...snip...]

How are you managing your sessions and connections?  Most likely 
connections are being held somewhere, starving the pool.

A basic setup and query like you've described, served via Paste's 
server doesn't skip a beat for me even when run with 'ab -c 500'.

def wsgi_app(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text-plain')])
    entities = Data.query.all()
    page = ','.join([e.data for e in entities])
    return [page]

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