> ok. So this time I am trying to get data from my widget from
> database that has two compound keys, using assign_mapper.
> #Initialize:
> User_table = sqlalchemy.Table('User', metadata, autoload=True)
> class User(object):
>     pass
> usermapper=assign_mapper(session.context,User,user_table)
> #get my record:
>  x=model.User.get(343,2)
> Why do I get an error? What am I doing wrong here?
> File "/home/lucas/web/tg/quote/quote/controllers.py", line 126, in
> upddriver x=model.Bdriver.get(343,2)
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/assignmapper.py",
> line 7, in do
>     return getattr(query, name)(*args, **kwargs)
> TypeError: get() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
u are giving 2 args here, it wants one arg (apart of the self). try 
give it as tuple .get( (343,2) ), but i'm not sure what is the exact 
way for composite keys.

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