My application has a table of item prices by week. A record is inserted into a 
week whenever there is a new, different price. To find the current price, you 
have to look backwards in time to the most recent record.

I've written some code using SqlAlchemy 0.3.10 to generate a query like this. 
The resulting query fails on PostgreSQL because the innermost query generated 
by SQLAlchemy is missing a FROM clause. (SQLite seems happy with it, however.) 
Is this a bug in SqlAlchemy?

A sample program is attached.



from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper import assign_mapper

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.ext import activemapper, sessioncontext

engine = None

def create_engine():
    global engine
    #engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite://')
    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgres://postgres:[EMAIL 

def create_session():
    return sqlalchemy.create_session(bind_to=engine)

def fuzzy_search(column, value):
    """Case insensitive search allowing partial string matches."""
    return func.lower(column).like('%%%s%%' % value.lower())

metadata = activemapper.metadata
# Tables

week_table = Table(
    'cal_week', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('begin_date', Date), # Sunday beginning the fiscal week
    Column('end_date', Date)) # Saturday ending the fiscal week

product_table = Table(
    'prod_product', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
promotion_product_week_table = Table(
    'promo_promotion_product_week', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('product_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''),index=True),
    Column('begin_date', Date),
    Column('end_date', Date),
    Column('regular_price', Float))

product_regular_price_table = Table(
    'prod_regular_price', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('product_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
    Column('week_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
    Column('regular_price', Float),
    UniqueConstraint('product_id', 'week_id'))

# Main program

import sys


# We're trying to build this query:
# update promo_promotion_product_week set regular_price = (
#     select prod_regular_price.regular_price
#      from prod_regular_price
#      inner join cal_week
#      on prod_regular_price.week_id =
#     where prod_regular_price.product_id = 
promo_promotion_product_week.product_id and cal_week.begin_date =
#      (select max(begin_date)
#        from prod_regular_price
#        inner join cal_week
#        on prod_regular_price.week_id =
#       where prod_regular_price.product_id = 
promo_promotion_product_week.product_id and cal_week.begin_date <= 

price_week_s = join(product_regular_price_table, week_table)
price_week_s2 = price_week_s.alias()
week_with_price_q = select([func.max(week_table.c.begin_date)], 
from_obj=[price_week_s, week_table], whereclause=and_(
    product_regular_price_table.c.product_id == 
    week_table.c.begin_date <= promotion_product_week_table.c.begin_date))
current_price_q = select([product_regular_price_table.c.regular_price], 
from_obj=[price_week_s], whereclause=and_(
    product_regular_price_table.c.product_id == 
promotion_product_week_table.c.product_id and week_table.c.begin_date == 

# The subquery's SQL looks correct when evaluated standalone
print str(week_with_price_q)

# Generates invalid SQL - notice the FROM clause is missing from v
update_query = 
print str(update_query)

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