Hey everybody,

I have to transfer data from dotProject to TaskFreak, and I'm trying
to do it with the
minimum number of queries and massages. I am not using any of the
stuff, just sucking the data out of dotProject and sticking it in

I have an engine for each database:

dpdb = create_engine('mysql://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/dotproject')
dpmeta = MetaData(dpdb)
tfdb = create_engine('mysql://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/taskfreak')
tfmeta = MetaData(tfdb)

I converted the users over easily, now I'm bringing over the projects.
Of course
the new user IDs don't match the old user IDs, but the user names
match. So I'm
trying to construct a query which in part tries to join
dotproject.contacts to taskfreak.users,
returning just the project names and what will be their taskfreak
owner IDs.

I've got something like this, and I'm stuck:

result = select([dpprojT.c.project_name, tfuserT.c.memberId],
                     dpprojT.c.project_owner ==

Whereupon I get the error:

(1146, "Table 'dotproject.frk_member' doesn't exist") u'SELECT
projects.project_name, frk_member.`memberId` \nFROM projects,
frk_member JOIN users ON users.user_username = frk_member.username
\nWHERE projects.project_owner = users.user_contact

I know in MySQL i could just prepend the database names to specify the
tables. How do I
do this in sqlalchemy? (It could just be that my SQL-fu isn't quite up
to the task.)

Thanks for your help.


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