I try to use SA together with mod_python and its publisher algorithm.
How can I limit the number of opened connections?
I use Mysql as db, Apache2.2.6 prefork, mod_python and SA.
There are only 8 Apache childs running, but a lot more connections open.

I have the problem that connections are never closed, so after some time
the mysql sever doesn't handle any more requests.
A simple script like:

engine = create_engine('mysql://[EMAIL 
                        encoding = 'utf8', convert_unicode=False, 
pool_recycle=1, pool_size=1, echo_pool=True,
meta      = MetaData()
meta.bind = engine

def index(req):
     conn = engine.connect()
     return 'hier'

called ten times gives me 10 opened connections.

This is at the moment only for my private Apache but how would I do it right
if I had lots of requests (let's say most of the time 60 -70 Apache childs
running). At work I use PHP (I would prefer Python) and we don't use persistent
connections and no connection pool. So there is no problem with too much opened


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