Thanks a lot, Paul. Great point, works just great.
That pretty much solved the issue.


        log_typle = (session['login'], session['password'])
        if not log_dic.has_key((log_typle)):
                engine = create_engine(uri)
                log_dic[log_typle] = engine
                engine = log_dic[(session['login'], session['password'])]

Does this create new connection with the same name or start using the
existing one? I'm almost 100% that latter, just making sure.

Right now I'm binding meta to the engine, which obviosly makes all the
tables work with the last engine plugged in
What'll be your advice for this matter.
The most obvious way i see is using Contextual Session. This way I'll
have to add
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
transactional=True, bind=current_user_engine))
But I'll have to rewrite all the SQL statements so that they'll start
running using sessions.
select([func.count("*")], from_obj=[sell_table]).sess.execute()
What'll be your best practice advice on this one?

On Oct 17, 3:35 pm, "Paul Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's how it should work: every time the user logs in, SA creates a
> > new engine with his log/pass or uses the one that was already opened
> > and then uses it.
> Unless something has changed recently, this pattern is not particularly
> supported.
> Still, you could probably get it working with bound sessions. If the engine
> doesn't exist in the users, session, create the engine and save in the
> session. Don't know why the Pylons session save was failing, perhaps it
> doesn't allow arbitrary Python objects. You could keep your own dictionary,
> keyed on (username, password) tuples and avoid sessions altogether.
> Paul

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