hey Barry -

again, can you please attach a working test case for this one ?  attached is mine, which tests this exact operation for four diferent kinds of relation()s - one-to-many and many to many, with and without delete cascade on the relation.  passes for 0.3 (including 0.3.10) and 0.4.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

def test(m2m=False, cascade=False, useclear=False):
    engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
    meta = MetaData(engine)

    a = Table('a', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('foo', String(30)))
    if m2m:
        b = Table('b', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('foo', String(30)))
        b = Table('b', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('foo', String(30)), Column('a_id', Integer, ForeignKey('a.id')))
    if m2m:
        atob = Table('atob', meta, Column('a_id', Integer, ForeignKey('a.id')), Column('b_id', Integer, ForeignKey('b.id')), )
        atob = None
    class A(object):
        def __init__(self, foo):
            self.foo = foo
    class B(object):
        def __init__(self, foo):
            self.foo = foo

    if cascade:
        use_cascade = "all, delete-orphan"
        use_cascade = "save-update"
    mapper(A, a, properties={
        'bs':relation(B, secondary=atob, cascade=use_cascade)
    mapper(B, b)


    a1 = A('a1')

    sess = create_session()

    if m2m:
        assert atob.count().scalar() == 3
        assert b.count(b.c.a_id == None).scalar() == 0

    assert b.count().scalar() == 3
    if useclear:
    a1 = sess.query(A).get(a1.id)
    assert len(a1.bs) == 3
    a1.bs = a1.bs[1:]
    if m2m:
        assert atob.count().scalar() == 2
        assert b.count(b.c.a_id != None).scalar() == 2

    if cascade:
        assert b.count().scalar() == 2
        assert b.count().scalar() == 3
    if useclear:
    a1 = sess.query(A).get(a1.id)
    assert len(a1.bs) == 2
for m2m in (True, False):
    for cascade in (True, False):
        for useclear in (True, False):
            test(m2m, cascade, useclear)

On Oct 24, 2007, at 4:18 PM, Barry Hart wrote:

I found a problem in SqlAlchemy 0.3.10 this week: slicing a list property caused the whole association list to be deleted. For example, suppose I want to remove the first 3 items from a list of related items:

my_obj.related = my_obj.related[3:]

When these changes were saved , my_obj.related was empty the next time it loaded. This code, however, worked correctly:

for i in range(0, 3):
    del my_obj.related[0]


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