> i can only make comments about fragments like this but i cant address  
> your full design issue since you havent supplied a fully working  
> illustration of what it is youre trying to do.

the daemon: http://dpaste.com/hold/27089/
and required utils.py modele: http://dpaste.com/hold/27092/

it was running with revision 3863

> the biggest issue I  
> can see is that the code seems to have a weak notion of explicit  
> transaction boundaries...its opening many sessions, one per thread  
> (since youre using scoped_session), and just keeping them opened, with  
> just one commit() when a delete is issued and thats it.

How to open one session for all threads ? Using Lock with inserts/
updates should help in this case, right ?

> addtionally, youre  
> issuing some SQL directly to the database without notifying the  
> session about objects which may have been removed;

> youre executing a SQL statement through sess.execute() but that has no  
> effect on the User object stored in the session..plain SQL executes  
> dont refresh or expire anything thats currently present in the  
> session.  when you commit(), the underlying flush() apparently is  
> hitting that user, or perhaps a different one, and attempting to  
> update it.

I was trying to represent this SQL statement in ORM: "DELETE FROM
fs_file WHERE path='/' and user_id=<theone.id>". If I'd need to delete
user I'll use session.query.delete(user), indeed. But how to perform
writing operations in proper way then, without execute() ? I was
looking, thinking, asking and thinking again but came to nithing yet )

> locking youre doing doesnt have much effect here, without more context  
> it seems like its not needed and is just adding to the confusion.

I was thinking it will exclude few doubtfull assumption from my
inspection list.

> Its possible that you'd benefit here from using explciit transactions,  
> so that you dont need to be dependent on the Session in order to  
> commit raw SQL which youve executed.  You can begin() and commit()  
> transactions using an Engine or a Connection...such as:
> conn = db.connect()
> trans = conn.begin()
> session = Session(bind=conn)
> # do stuff with the conn, do stuff with session
> trans.commit()

But I see that sqlalchemy beginning transaction anyway

> Transactions should be opened and closed for individual groups of  
> operations.  For example, if your "arrange" thread starts up, performs  
> some work, and then completes, it should be opening a transaction and/
> or Session

session != transaction ? the difference between them is presence in
session of cache ?

> strategy="threadlocal" are more than likely confusing the issue.    

removed. In fact cannot say that clearly understand what it does

> scoped_session is going to accumulate sessions for every thread, even  
> if that thread has died out, which will certainly cause memory to grow  
> unbounded if you keep creating new threads.  it would probably be  
> cleaner to have each arrange() thread keep track of its own Session  
> and transaction, which are disposed of when the thread completes.

Thanks for the idea, I'll try to elaborate.

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