On Friday 11 January 2008 16:12:08 Alexandre Conrad wrote:
> svilen wrote:
> >>Here is the syntax followed by the generated query:
> >>
> >>   query.filter(Catalog.c.id==CatalogChannel.c.id)
> >>   WHERE catalogs.id = catalogs.id
> >
> > why u need such a query?
> > that's exactly what (inheritance) join does, and automaticaly -
> > just query( CatalogChannel).all() would give u the above query.
> I have hidden the full concept I'm working on and only focused my
> problem. Here's my full setup the query is involved with:
> Channel -> Playlist -> Media
> Channel -> CatalogChannel(Catalog) -> Media
> (Media has a fk to Catalog, not CatalogChannel)
> The only element I have, is "playlist" (instance of Playlist). At
> this point, I need to find out the available Media of the
> Playlist's Channel's catalog so I can attach them to the Playlist.
> At first, I tryied out:
> Media.query.join(["catalog",
> "channel"]).filter(Channel.c.id==playlist.id_channel).all()
> But then it complains that "channel" is not part of the Catalog
> mapper. Catalog ? I want it to be looking at CatalogChannel, this
> is the one having the "channel" relation, not Catalog.
i see what u want, but formally (computer languages are formal, SA is 
a language) u are contradicting yourself. u said above that
media points to catalog and not to catalogchannel. How u expect it to 
find a .channel there? Forget DB; think plain objects. u point to a 
base class but expect it always to have an attribute that belongs to 
one of children classes... which is implicitly saying that while 
pointing to base-class AND u need only those pointing to the 
child-class AND the attribute is whatever. (i.e. 
isinstance(x,CatChanel) and x.channel==...

your query above is missing the isinstance-filter specifying that u 
need catalogchannels and not just any catalogs. i'm not sure how this 
would be expressed in SA but it has to be explicit - and probably 
somewhere on level of tables. 
have u tried 
 Media.query.join( ["catalog", "id", "channel"])... ???

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