Michael Bayer wrote:

> I came up with a very easy way to implement this which I'd like you to  
> try out in rev 4060.  So far I've tested with a basic joined table  
> inheritance setup.
> All you do is place class-mapped attributes directly in the join()  
> arguments along with strings.  and thats it !  so it looks like:
>       session.query(Media).join(['catalog', CatalogChannel.channel])
> The class-attributes can be freely intermixed with the existing string- 
> based attributes.
> Technically you can place any class-attribute you want in there but it  
> only makes sense if it can be joined against the immediately preceding  
> attribute or parent mapper.  I'm not sure if that restriction could  
> change eventually.



SELECT files.id AS files_id, medias.id AS medias_id, files.name AS 
files_name, files.mime AS files_mime, files.date AS files_date, 
files.size AS files_size, files.checksum AS files_checksum, 
files.description AS files_description, files.type AS files_type, 
medias.id_catalog AS medias_id_catalog
FROM catalog_channels, files INNER JOIN medias ON files.id = medias.id 
INNER JOIN catalogs ON catalogs.id = medias.id_catalog INNER JOIN 
channels ON channels.id = catalog_channels.id_channel
WHERE catalog_channels.id_channel = %s ORDER BY files.name

which returns, with MySQL:

1054, "Unknown column 'catalog_channels.id_channel' in 'on clause'"

As a reminder:
- Media(File)
- CatalogChannel(Catalog) has relation "channel" that Catalog doesn't.
- Channel - one-to-many - CatalogChannel

Alexandre CONRAD

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