On Jan 16, 2008, at 4:43 AM, Denis S. Otkidach wrote:

> On Jan 15, 2008 6:54 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>>> The last commit fails with:
>>> sqlalchemy.exceptions.IntegrityError: (IntegrityError)
>>> Referers.objectId may not be NULL u'UPDATE "Referers" SET  
>>> "objectId"=?
>>> WHERE "Referers".id = ?' [None, 1]
>> right thats because the instance doesnt exist yet.  its better for  
>> you
>> to just use the straight ahead query.get(), if None then save()
>> approach.
> Do you mean obj2 (id of which should go to objectId column in this
> UPDATE)? If so, why it doesn't exist? It's saved (updated in fact)
> just several lines above, so it must be both in DB and in session.
> The last lines of the original test case for convenience:
> [...]
> obj2 = replace(session, ModelObject(1, u'title2'))
> session.commit()
> ref2 = ModelReferer(1, obj2)
> replace(session, ref2)
> session.commit()

I cant tell what your issue is there without the backing data showing  
the full picture.  We dont support manipulating "_instance_key"  
manually as a supported use case, so issues are not surprising.  heres  
an example using public APIs:

def replace(session, cls, id, **kwargs):
    obj = session.query(cls).get(id)
    if obj is None:
       obj = cls(id=id, **kwargs)
       for key in kwargs:
          setattr(obj, key, kwargs[key])
    return obj

obj2 = replace(session, ModelObject, 1, title=u'title2')

ref2 = replace(session, ModelReferer, 1, object=obj2)

the above will also use less SQL than how you were doing it.  if that  
function is producing the same issue, provide a test case that  
includes the supporting data and runs fully since from your example I  
dont know if ModelReferer(1) is supposed to be present or not.

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