On Jan 23, 2008, at 3:28 PM, MattQc wrote:

> Object query returns an empty set:
> In <3>: jLane = tblspotbandsol.outerjoin(tbllane,
> tbllane.c.laneid==tblspotbandsol.c.laneid)
> In <4>: mapper(LaneClass,jLane)
> Out<4>: <sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper object at 0xb36f382c>
> In <5>:
> Session.query(LaneClass).filter(LaneClass.spotbandsolid==32978).all()

in this case the mapper will attept to compute the "natural" primary  
key amongst all the columns that are being mapped; by default, it will  
be the primary key columns of "tblspotbandsol" combined with that of  
"tbllane".  If a row does not contain non-null columns for all primary  
key columns, no instance will be returned.  You can see this happening  
if you turn on sqlalchemy.orm.mapper=DEBUG logging.

The three ways to modify this behavior are to specify  
"allow_null_pks=True" on the mapper so that a primary key with some  
NULL columns is accepted as a valid primary key, to specify the  
"primary_key=[<some columns>]" option to the mapper which indicates  
which columns should be counted as part of the primary key and  
overriding the auto-calculation of such, or to remove the primary key  
columns of "tbllane" from the columns clause of the selectable which  
you are mapping to which has a similar effect to providing  an  
explicit primary key argument.

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