there seems to be more going on there, but perhaps are all side effects of
the same thing:

or otherwise your mysql client is not able to connect at all.

braydon fuller wrote:
> I need some advice to prevent these errors.
> I am experiencing the following issues w/ my project:
> 1. CherryPy: TimeoutError
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 511, in
> run
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error]     raise cherrypy.TimeoutError()
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error] TimeoutError
> 2. SQLAlchemy: IndexError, OperationalError
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 657,
> in __getitem__
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     return list(self[item:item+1])[0]
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error] IndexError: list index out of range
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/",
> line 80, in connect
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     raise
> exceptions.DBAPIError.instance(None, None, e)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] OperationalError: (OperationalError)
> (2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)") None None
> 3. mod_wsgi: Exception
> mod_wsgi (pid=18122): Exception occurred within WSGI script
> '/var/local/braydon/'.
> 4. Apache: segment fault
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:02 2008] [notice] seg fault or similar nasty error
> detected in the parent process
> -----
> The /var/log/apache2/error.log:
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error] [01/Feb/2008:08:31:22]  Traceback
> (most recent call last):
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 126, in
> __init__
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error]     response =,
> path, qs, rproto, headers, rfile)
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 511, in
> run
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error]     raise cherrypy.TimeoutError()
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error] TimeoutError
> [Fri Feb 01 08:31:22 2008] [error]
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error] [01/Feb/2008:08:36:23] HTTP Traceback
> (most recent call last):
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 551, in
> respond
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     cherrypy.response.body =
> self.handler()
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 24, in
> __call__
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     return self.callable(*self.args,
> **self.kwargs)
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 43, in default
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     return render(args, kwargs,
> location_st)
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 354, in render
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     return render_skeleton(location,
> location_st, kwargs)
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 259, in render_skeleton
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     body, cmds_array =
> compile_templates(location, kwargs)
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 191, in compile_templates
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     doc = get_uri(location)
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 31, in get_uri
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     selected =
> db.session.query(TemplateRelation).filter_by(location=uri)[0]
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 657,
> in __getitem__
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]     return list(self[item:item+1])[0]
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error] IndexError: list index out of range
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error] [01/Feb/2008:08:36:23] HTTP
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error] Request Headers:
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   IF-MODIFIED-SINCE: Fri, 01 Feb 2008
> 05:31:22 GMT
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   USER-AGENT: Feedfetcher-Google;
> (+; 1 subscribers;
> feed-id=5933957592327069039)
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   CONNECTION: Keep-alive
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   Remote-Addr:
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   HOST:
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   ACCEPT: */*
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error]   ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip
> [Fri Feb 01 08:36:23 2008] [error] - -
> [01/Feb/2008:08:36:23] "GET /?feed=rss2 HTTP/1.1" 500 1906 "" ""
> [Fri Feb 01 11:31:59 2008] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] [01/Feb/2008:11:32:01] HTTP Traceback
> (most recent call last):
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 551, in
> respond
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     cherrypy.response.body =
> self.handler()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 24, in
> __call__
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     return self.callable(*self.args,
> **self.kwargs)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 42, in default
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     db.start_engine()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 70, in start_engine
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     Database.db =
> get_database(settings.database)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/local/braydon/sparrow/", line 56, in get_database
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     db.connection = db.engine.connect()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/", line
> 1223, in connect
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     return Connection(self, **kwargs)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 540,
> in __init__
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     self.__connection = connection or
> engine.raw_connection()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/", line
> 1278, in raw_connection
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     return
> self.pool.unique_connection()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/", line 135, in
> unique_connection
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     return
> _ConnectionFairy(self).checkout()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/", line 306, in
> __init__
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     rec = self._connection_record =
> pool.get()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/", line 173, in get
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     return self.do_get()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/", line 593, in
> do_get
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     con = self.create_connection()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/", line 138, in
> create_connection
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     return _ConnectionRecord(self)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/", line 201, in
> __init__
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     self.connection = self.__connect()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/", line 264, in
> __connect
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     connection = self.__pool._creator()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sqlalchemy/engine/",
> line 80, in connect
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     raise
> exceptions.DBAPIError.instance(None, None, e)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] OperationalError: (OperationalError)
> (2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)") None None
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] [01/Feb/2008:11:32:01] HTTP
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] Request Headers:
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   IF-MODIFIED-SINCE: Fri, 01 Feb 2008
> 05:31:22 GMT
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   USER-AGENT: Feedfetcher-Google;
> (+; 1 subscribers;
> feed-id=5933957592327069039)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   CONNECTION: Keep-alive
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   Remote-Addr:
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   HOST:
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   ACCEPT: */*
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] - -
> [01/Feb/2008:11:32:01] "GET /?feed=rss2 HTTP/1.1" 500 3029 "" ""
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] [01/Feb/2008:11:32:01]  Traceback
> (most recent call last):
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 126, in
> __init__
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     response =,
> path, qs, rproto, headers, rfile)
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/cherrypy/", line 511, in
> run
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]     raise cherrypy.TimeoutError()
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] TimeoutError
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error]
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] [client] mod_wsgi
> (pid=18122): Exception occurred within WSGI script
> '/var/local/braydon/'.
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:01 2008] [error] [client] IOError:
> client connection closed
> [Fri Feb 01 11:32:02 2008] [notice] seg fault or similar nasty error
> detected in the parent process
> >

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