Michael Bayer wrote:
> there seems to be more going on there, but perhaps are all side effects of
> the same thing:
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/FAQ#MySQLserverhasgoneawaypsycopg.InterfaceError:connectionalreadyclosed
> or otherwise your mysql client is not able to connect at all.
I have switched to trying postgresql, to see what shows up.

The new problem being that it appears I have WAY TOO MANY processes open
to the database being made:

braydon  24226  0.2  8.5 339524 33536 pts/2    Sl   Feb04   0:13 python
postgres 24229  0.0  1.7 102416  6968 ?        Ss   Feb04   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle in transaction
postgres 24233  0.0  1.6 102300  6356 ?        Ss   Feb04   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24277  0.0  1.2 101876  4836 ?        Ss   Feb04   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24412  0.0  1.2 101876  4840 ?        Ss   00:02   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24483  0.0  1.2 101876  4836 ?        Ss   00:17   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24547  0.0  1.2 101876  4840 ?        Ss   00:32   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24675  0.0  1.2 101876  4840 ?        Ss   01:00   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24676  0.0  1.2 101880  4840 ?        Ss   01:00   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24677  0.0  1.2 101876  4828 ?        Ss   01:00   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24736  0.0  1.2 101876  4832 ?        Ss   01:12   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24741  0.0  1.2 101876  4840 ?        Ss   01:13   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24743  0.0  1.2 101876  4844 ?        Ss   01:13   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24756  0.0  1.2 101876  4844 ?        Ss   01:15   0:00
postgres: braydon braydon idle
postgres 24773  0.0  0.5 100724  2148 ?        Ds   01:18   0:00
postgres: autovacuum worker process

I am using the following to establish get the database going:

import cherrypy

from sparrow.settings import Settings
from sparrow.database import Database
from sparrow.templates import render

db = Database()
settings = Settings()

class Root():
    def __init__(self):
        self.cmd = __import__('exposed', globals(), locals(),['sparrow'])

    def default(self, *args, **kwargs):
        location_st = ""
        for arg in args:
            location_st += "/"+arg
            return render(args, kwargs, location_st)
            return render(args, kwargs, location_st)
    default.exposed = True

This is the wrong way to go about insuring
that there is a DB connection. I'd like to know the correct way.
Would this be to test the database, and if that fails to open a connection?

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