
Thanks for your examples - there are lots of useful SQLAlchemy coding
hints in there for me...

On Apr 5, 5:30 pm, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GK wrote:
> > Michael,
> > Thank you for your response - it was very helpful for me.
> > It turns out my main problem was that I was importing an order of
> > magnitude or so more data than I realized, but you were also right
> > about using flush().
> > You were also right about the overhead of creating extra indexes.  In
> > the spirit of putting some data in a public space...
> > Starting with en empty database, with a test dataset of 1200 values
> > (about 1150 unique insertions) and flushing after every insertion I
> > have the following timings:
> > No extra indexes: 2:00
> > Three extra indexes: 2:15
> > This is using SQLite with a flat file on a 1.8GHz laptop.  The records
> > are each nearly 1Kb.  There's an overhead of about 5 seconds for
> > reading the data, so most of the above time is loading the database.
> > I haven't yet had time to judge how the performance varies with larger
> > datasets.
> 2:00 seems very high- is that 2 minutes?  Below are two similar bulk
> table loads.  The first uses the same insert-or-update methodology and
> only the relational layer (no ORM)- that clocks in at 1.25 seconds on my
> laptop.  The second is an ORM implementation with a different duplicate
> detection methodology- that clocks in at 2.0 seconds.
> ---
> ##
> ## Relational version
> ##
> import os
> import time
> import random
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError
> data_cols = (
>      'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
>      'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
> chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
> dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
>             for _ in xrange(1200)]
> dupes = random.sample(dataset, 50)
> db = '1krows.db'
> if os.path.exists(db):
>      os.unlink(db)
> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
> metadata = MetaData(engine)
> table = Table('t', metadata,
>                Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>                Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
>                *(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))
> table.append_constraint(UniqueConstraint(*data_cols))
> metadata.create_all()
> table.insert().execute(dupes)
> assert table.select().count().scalar() == 50
> start = time.time()
> insert = table.insert()
> update = (table.update().
>            where(and_(*((table.c[col] == bindparam(col))
>                         for col in data_cols))).
>            values({'occurs': table.c.occurs+1}))
> conn = engine.connect()
> tx = conn.begin()
> for row in dataset:
>      try:
>          conn.execute(insert, row)
>      except IntegrityError:
>          conn.execute(update, row)
> tx.commit()
> end = time.time()
> assert table.select().count().scalar() == 1200
> assert select([func.count(table.c.id)],
>                table.c.occurs==2).scalar() == 50
> print "elapsed: %04f" % (end - start)
> ##
> ## ORM version
> ##
> import hashlib
> import os
> import time
> import random
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> data_cols = (
>      'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
>      'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
> chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
> dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
>             for _ in xrange(1200)]
> def hashrow(row):
>      return hashlib.sha1(
>          ','.join(row[c] for c in data_cols)).hexdigest()
> dupes = []
> for row in random.sample(dataset, 50):
>      dupe = row.copy()
>      dupe['hash'] = hashrow(dupe)
>      dupes.append(dupe)
> db = '1krows.db'
> if os.path.exists(db):
>      os.unlink(db)
> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
> metadata = MetaData(engine)
> table = Table('t', metadata,
>                Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>                Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
>                Column('hash', String(40), unique=True),
>                *(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))
> metadata.create_all()
> table.insert().execute(dupes)
> assert table.select().count().scalar() == 50
> class Email(object):
>      def __init__(self, **kw):
>          for key, value in kw.items():
>              setattr(self, key, value)
>      def hashval(self):
>          return hashrow(dict((col, getattr(self, col))
>                              for col in data_cols))
> mapper(Email, table)
> start = time.time()
> session = create_session()
> session.begin()
> data = [Email(**row) for row in dataset]
> chunk, remaining = [], [(e.hashval(), e) for e in data]
> while remaining:
>      chunk, remaining = remaining[:100], remaining[100:]
>      by_hash = dict(chunk)
>      dupes = (session.query(Email).
>               filter(Email.hash.in_(by_hash.keys()))).all()
>      for dupe in dupes:
>          dupe.occurs += 1
>          by_hash.pop(dupe.hash)
>      for hashval, email in by_hash.items():
>          email.hash = hashval
>          session.save(email)
>      session.flush()
> session.commit()
> end = time.time()
> assert table.select().count().scalar() == 1200
> assert select([func.count(table.c.id)],
>                table.c.occurs==2).scalar() == 50
> print "elapsed: %04f" % (end - start)

Yes, my timing was 2 minutes.  I ran your examples and got the same
times as you quote, so I started wondering what was causing the
dramatic difference.

Starting with your ORM sample, I started tripping out optimizations
and got some progressively longer run times:

1. as supplied: 2.0 seconds
2. removed hash optimizations (use original columns for uniqueness
constraint and existing value query): 5.7 seconds
3. removed chunking optimization (i.e. flush after every new email
processed instead of every 100): 7.7 seconds
4. removed session.being() and session.commit() around all data: 131
seconds (!)

I went back to my original code and tried adding a begin/commit around
the top-level operation, and voila! I get about 7 seconds to process
about 500 messages (my previous data now being lost).  This is a vast

So it appears that, even for a non-transactional database session,
wrapping the execution in begin()/commit() is vital for performance.

Thanks for helping me to find this!


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