Ordered by: internal time
List reduced from 178 to 20 due to restriction <20>

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
# 215    0.371    0.002    0.371    0.002 {method 'query' of
'_mysql.connection' objects}
*  215    0.306    0.001    0.306    0.001 {method 'rollback' of
'_mysql.connection' objects}
   215    0.029    0.000    0.029    0.000 {method 'store_result' of
'_mysql.connection' objects}
   215    0.028    0.000    0.048    0.000 sqlalchemy/engine/base.py:
   215    0.022    0.000    0.022    0.000 {method 'next_result' of
'_mysql.connection' objects}
   232    0.020    0.000    0.246    0.001 utils.py:278(new_fun)
   232    0.017    0.000    1.305    0.006 RecentActions.py:
   215    0.013    0.000    0.498    0.002 MySQLdb/cursors.py:
   215    0.012    0.000    0.050    0.000 MySQLdb/cursors.py:
   211    0.011    0.000    0.037    0.000 decimal.py:516(__new__)
   215    0.009    0.000    0.036    0.000 sqlalchemy/engine/
   232    0.009    0.000    1.315    0.006 utils.py:178(protected)
   215    0.008    0.000    0.009    0.000 MySQLdb/cursors.py:
   430    0.008    0.000    0.014    0.000 threading.py:93(acquire)
   641    0.008    0.000    0.008    0.000 {built-in method match}
   211    0.006    0.000    0.014    0.000 decimal.py:
* 215    0.006    0.000    0.346    0.002 sqlalchemy/pool.py:
   215    0.006    0.000    0.613    0.003 sqlalchemy/engine/base.py:
   662    0.006    0.000    0.006    0.000 logging/__init__.py:

This is cumulative log for 215 requests. '#' - query to DB, '*' -
returning connection to the pool.
Times for query() and rollback() execution are comparable.

Query is "SELECT person_id, type, sum(count) FROM CommentCounter WHERE
person = %d AND type = '%s' and answered in (0, 1) group by person_id"

On May 4, 7:52 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 4, 2008, at 9:41 AM, Andrew Stromnov wrote:
> > Recently I'd switched to SA MySQL connection pool implementation.
> > Every time, when app returns connection to pool (through .close()
> > method), SA triggers .rollback() on this connection (http://
> >www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/browser/sqlalchemy/trunk/lib/sqlalchemy/pool....)
> > .
> > In my case ROLLBACK is rather expensive operation and waste too much
> > MySQL time. I'm using MySQL 5.1 and "set autocommit=1" on
> > initialization.
> > How to disable this .rollback() triggering?
> its necessary so that any transactional state existing on the  
> connection is discarded.   "autocommit=1" is not part of DBAPI so SQLA  
> is not built around that model....but even if it is switched on, it  
> says nothing about table or row locks which may exist on the  
> connection which also would need to be released via ROLLBACK.
> do you have any profiling data that illustrate ROLLBACK being  
> expensive ?  its generally an extremely cheap operation particularly  
> if little or no state has been built up on the connection.
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